Demon Vs Angel

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Izumi brandished her wings fiercely, facing Todoroki with a serious look on her face. Even the audience can tell from her posture that she was not in a good mood.

Once Midnight began the match, Izumi immediately rushed Todoroki, ignoring the streams of ice that he sent at her.

She didn't bother breaking the ice, she simply avoided all of Todoroki's blows until the entire arena was frozen.

"You can't beat me like this, Todoroki-kun. Why are you holding back? Is it to do with my disease?" Izumi asked.

"It has nothing to do with it." He sneered.

"Then why do you hold back? Every single training session we have, you never seem to use your left side. You cannot become a hero if all you can do is hold back." Izumi huffed impatiently, she's had enough bullshit from Shinso, she did not want any from Todoroki.

"I refuse to use my stupid old man's quirk to fight-" Todoroki began, but was soon cut off by Izumi's fist crashing down at him.

He managed to quickly evade the attack and counterattacked.

Izumi seemed very pissed off.

"Your father's quirk?" She asked, "Correct me if I'm wrong, because I'd absolutely love to be wrong," She began, sarcasm laced in her scarily calm voice, "But your father's quirk is Hellfire, is it not?"

"It is. Your point being?"

"And your own quirk is Half-Hot-Half-Cold, correct?"

Todoroki nodded.

"So how is that in any way your father's quirk? Because as far as I'm aware, Hellfire and Half-Hot-Half-Cold are very different."

"Part of my quirk stems off from his! Of course it's his quirk!" Todoroki shouted impatiently at Izumi.

Izumi remained silent for a while.

"I trust that you know who my father is?"

"Yes, what about him?"

"Am I my father?"

"Of course not, that's obv-"

"That's obvious, isn't it? You are not Endeavor, either. You don't have to be like him, do you? You are free to choose whichever path suits you the best, are you not? You are yourself. Perhaps half of you is Endeavor, sure, I'll admit that much, but you're only half-Endeavor. Your other half is what makes you unique, isn't it? You aren't your father, you aren't your mother, you are simply their offspring, and that's what's unique about you."

"Even so-"

"What is so hard to understand?! You are Shoto Todoroki, not Endeavor or anyone else! You are your own person, and yet you're being controlled by your father! You despise him, don't you? And yet you're being controlled by his very actions by rebelling against him!" Izumi finally lost her cool and yelled at Todoroki.

Her form seemed to flicker, and for a moment, the black shroud from before started to seep out again, and her white angelic wings momentarily morphed into black demonic wings.

"People like you..." She growled, "Really piss me off."

Her voice steadily grew more demonic the more she spoke.

"You always say that you're rebelling against someone because you don't want to turn out like them, but you're so shallow that you don't see that by rejecting who you don't want to be, especially if they're family, you are actually allowing yourself to become more and more like them. You don't want to turn out like your father? That's fine, but don't drown yourself in hate. It doesn't work, and it most likely does more harm than good. Accept him. Part of him is who you are, after all. Actually, you know what? Reject his side all you want. One day you'll be faced with an opponent who will force you to use your left side." She sneered, diving at Todoroki once again, with much higher speeds than before.

Seemingly out of reflex, Todoroki raised both arms to block her blows instead of using his quirk.

With Izumi's fast onslaught, the victor was clear to everyone watching the fight.

"Give up, Todoroki-kun. Either that, or use your left side. I'll leave the choice to you."

Suddenly, she clutched the left side of her head in pain, and when she moved her hand away, her left eye was no longer green.

It was red, her iris was red with a black sclera as opposed to the green iris with the white sclera.

"Well, it's been a very long time since I last saw the light of day. I will admit, Izumi, you did a pretty good job suppressing me. Sadly, you didn't manage to hold on in your anger, did you?" A disembodied voice rang out in the arena.

"What do you want, Izuku?" Izumi grunted, "You're not normally this persistent."

"Oh no, I'm rather fine indeed, dying a horrible death and then having my consciousness trapped in my sister's soon-to-also-be-dead body. Mmm, yes, definitely something that won't drive me insane." He replied in a sarcastic tone.

"Izuku, you died when we were 3, get over it." Izumi groaned.

Suddenly, a bright light illuminated the arena, everyone had to look away, but when they looked back, in Izumi's place were two people.

One with white angelic wings and the other with black demonic wings.

Both were in shock.

"W-what's going on?" Izuku asked, completely confused, he was in a different body, after all.

"I-if I'm not mistaken, my body... split into two?" Izumi attempted to explain the phenomenon that had just occurred, "And your consciousness inhabited the other body...?"

Everyone in the arena was stupefied. It was to be expected, after all, they did just witness the impossible.

Izumi quickly shook herself out of her daze, "You know what? We'll deal with this later. Izuku, go sit in the bleachers or something. We'll deal with this when the tournament is finished with." She made some vague gestures towards the bleachers, then dived towards Todoroki once more, as if nothing happened.

Todoroki, caught of-guard, quickly raised his left arm and instinctively fired off a jet of flames at her.

"Finally you're not half-assing around now," Izumi sighed, "Took you long enough."

Izumi grinned and charged a massive blast of One For All in her arm, slamming it into Todoroki's flames.

Cementoss barely had time to react to put up several sheets of concrete walls before a massive explosion ensued.

When the smoke cleared. It revealed Izumi in the centre of the arena with Todoroki slightly off the arena.

"The winner is Izumi Midoriya!"

A/N: And... Izuku still finds a way to get back into my fanfics. Yippee.

This is a Female Deku fanfic, not a Deku Sister fanfic.

I know. I know.

Do you now?

Yes, I know.

So what's your story?

They're both Izuku Midoriya. One of them is just genderbent.

That's it?

Yep. I'm feeling very dumb today, so I can't think of anything else.


Fuck off.

Photonfrost 95, signing out.

Shadowflame 95, signing out.

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