Streetwise Healer

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Izumi walked back home after school, always keeping an ear concentrated on any telltale signs of trouble, screams of pain, calls for help, anything of the sort.

In the back alley between two massive buildings, there were sounds of a scuffle.

Izumi immediately ran to the entrance, trying to take in the situation.

Someone was getting mugged.

With a knife.

"Nope." Izumi muttered, charging in and knocking down the mugger, grabbing the wrist holding the knife and twisting that arm so that he couldn't attack her with the knife.

"You have some explaining to do." She whispered into his ear, then, whilst still holding down the perpetrator, fished out her phone and called the police.

However, she had to loosen her hold whilst holding down the mugger, he took the chance to twist his arm free and swing it at her. 

But it never connected. Not with her.

The civilian who was being mugged by the perpetrator jumped in the way, causing the knife to bury itself into her stomach and rip a massive hole in it.

"Dammit." Izumi muttered, she slammed her fist into the perpetrator's head, knocking him out.

Izumi knelt down next to the severely wounded civilian.

"Dammit, this wasn't supposed to happen to you..." She whispered sadly, "I'll try the best I can."

Without waiting for an answer, Izumi pressed her hands over the wound, the civilian winced in pain, but Izumi didn't let go, a green glow illuminated the blood, turning it a shade of purple.

Izumi felt the wound close up under her touch, but she could also feel the pain the civilian is feeling drain into her.

Izumi had two ways to power her quirk: One is to use the food she eats and convert it into energy, it's easier, but cannot heal severe wounds. The second is to leech the pain from the person she heals and convert it into energy, but she will also feel the pain of the people she tries to heal, which is why she doesn't do it often. The last time she did it was when she had to heal the downed heroes back when she was 4, her tears were not only from the loss of her mother, it was also from her pain.

The police arrived before she finished healing the civilian, and paused to admire the sight in awe.

After she finished, Izumi collapsed from the pain, panting heavily, tears streaked down her face.

"I should really stop getting myself into trouble wherever I go." She muttered before blacking out.


Izumi woke up in a hospital bed, Aizawa and Kayama were waiting next to the bed, along with a very familiar civilian.

"I never got around to thanking you for saving my life, Izumi-san." She smiled warmly, "Thank you."

"Don't worry about it, just don't jump in front of me to take a knife next time, don't unnecessarily hurt yourself anymore, okay?" Izumi smiled back and gave the civilian a thumbs-up.

"Of course, but I couldn't just stand by and watch a little girl like you be attacked so savagely by a man like that."

"I can take care of myself, don't worry, stay safe." Izumi replied, then turned to Aizawa, "When am I discharged?"

"Tomorrow." Was the simple reply.

"Okay then, I'll just sleep until then."


The next morning, Izumi woke up to find a crowd around her bed, mostly the media, asking her questions about herself and her quirk.

Izumi sighed, "Look, I'd love to answer all of your questions, but I'm kinda hospitalized, I'll answer your questions later, okay? Just... Not now."

Izumi sat up, seeing as the crowd still wouldn't dissipate.

"Okay, fine! I'll answer your questions, okay? Just please leave me alone afterwards! I'll give you thirty minutes, then leave me alone."

The crowd burst into questions, Izumi raised a finger, "One question at a time, please."

She pointed to one of the interviewers in the crowd, "Your question?"

"What is your quirk?"

"Figured this was coming. It's registered as Divine Intervention, I am able to heal wounds as long as I have the energy required to do so. I can either convert eaten food into energy or drain the pain of my patients and convert that pain into energy to heal them. Downside of that last method is that I would also feel that pain. Leftover energy from that method will be stored in my body, which I can use later to heal others."

She then pointed to one of the citizens in the crowd, "Question?"

"Are you aspiring to be a hero?"

Izumi pondered for a bit, then said, "My parents weren't heroes, but my Aunt and Uncle are, not biological, by the way, so yeah, I suppose I do want to become a hero. I'm a doctor, currently, but I should be able to juggle both."

Izumi asked one more person, and their question was, "Are you the same girl who healed the fallen heroes eight years ago?"

Izumi fell silent, being reminded of that incident eight years ago, when she lost her mother.

"Yes." She whispered, a tear sliding down her cheek, "Please don't bring up that incident with me again. I beg you."

At least the crowd knew when to back off.

Or at least most of them did, they escorted themselves out of the room, leaving Izumi alone.

Izumi laid down, her mind replaying that terrible splatter of crimson that she saw that day.

"Am I doing you proud, Mom? Dad?" She asked, directing that question towards no-one in particular, "Will I ever be able to see you again?"

The tears kept falling.

This was the first time in years that Izumi's composure cracked.  

She took a while to calm down and collect her thoughts.


Later that day, when Izumi was discharged, she arrived at home and had a talk with Aizawa and Kayama.

"I want to become a hero."

"Really? Why the sudden announcment?" Kayama asked.

"What the journalists asked me got me thinking, I want to help people. I want to save people. Being a doctor alone won't accomplish that."

"Well, it's your choice and your choice alone, just make sure you don't overdo it. You don't want to end up at hospitals too many times." Aizawa replied.

Izumi beamed, "Thank you so much."

A/N: Well shit.

A teacher literally just asked about your fanfiction, what the fuck?

I dunno, man. Nothing else to say so...

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Peace out, everybody, goodbye.

Photonfrost 95, signing out.

Shadowflame 95, signing out. 

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