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Izumi bumped into Uraraka and Iida on her way back to the classroom.

"Izumi-Chan!" Uraraka let out tears of happiness when she saw that her friend survived, "I thought you were going to die! What happened?"

Izumi stared at Uraraka and Iida.

She sighed, "I suppose the excuse that I overused my quirk isn't enough for you now, is it?"

Uraraka shook her head, "No quirk usage can have effects that severe..."

Izumi sighed, "Well, Uraraka, you thought right. I am going to die." 

Those words shocked her two friends.

"I have a disease. It attacks my cells and decays the tissue in my heart and lungs. My healing quirk can deal with it for a while, but I soon, the disease will destroy more tissue than I can heal." Izumi explained, watching Uraraka burst into tears, this time of sorrow.

"What?! But... You're such a good hero! And you're Divinity as well! You can't die! People need you out there!" Iida exclaimed, hand-chopping the air like he always does.

Izumi simply sighed, "See, there's the thing, I can heal my dead cells, but I can't cure myself of this disease, meaning that unless someone somehow cures me of this disease, which is highly unlikely, by the way, since this is the same disease that killed my father, apparently. The doctors said that at this rate, I'd have to be incredibly lucky to live past 16."

Both Iida and Uraraka stared at her dumbfounded.

"W-wait, but... you're 15 right now..." Iida said.

"Exactly, I have less than a year to live." Izumi said, "But in the time that I have left, I want to be able to help as many people as I can, that's why I've been taking up the mantle of Divinity. I want to help people even without a license."

Iida nodded, "That's very noble of you, unfortunately this world will be missing a good hero once you pass."

Uraraka slapped him, "Iida! Don't talk like there's no chance of her living! She can still get incredibly lucky! She said so herself, didn't she?"

Izumi laid a hand on Uraraka's shoulder, "But the thing is, I'm not lucky at all. Would you consider losing both of your parents at age 4 lucky? Would you consider getting this disease at all lucky? No. Knowing my luck, I'll probably die before I even reach 16."

Uraraka collapsed in shock, she couldn't believe that her friend, her first friend who didn't judge her by her motives, was going to die by the age of 16.

Izumi laid a comforting hand on Uraraka's cheek, and tilted her face to look at her.

"Uraraka, it's okay, I'll be fine, just keep smiling, and become a good hero after I die, okay?"

Uraraka sniffled, slamming into Izumi, embracing her in a giant bear hug, "Stop talking like you're definitely going to die! I can't take it...!"

Izumi was shocked at the sudden physical contact, but eventually melted into the hug, "Sorry, Ochako-chan, I'll stop speaking like that. I'll try to live, for you, for my friends, for my family."

Uraraka flinched at the sudden use of her first name, but eventually accepted it, as Izumi was one of her greatest friends.

Iida suddenly pointed out something that Izumi said before, "Midoriya, didn't you say that you lost both of your parents? Who else is in your family?"

Izumi looked up from Uraraka's shoulder, "Iida-kun, I still have living relatives, for example, my first cousin, once removed, is still around. I'm currently living at his friend's house, and said friend used to be my father's friend as well, so we still have a bond of kinship."

Uraraka perked up at the mention of Izumi's first cousin, "Your first cousin? Can I meet him?"

Izumi silently debated the pros and cons of revealing the fact that her first cousin was All Might, but quickly decided against it.

"I can see if I can invite you guys over. I'll give Cousin Yagi a call later today to see if he can come over." Izumi sighed, "Just... be careful of Auntie and Uncle, the two guys that I'm living with right now, because they'll probably recognize you."

"Ah, so you told them about us?" Iida asked intently, but Izumi snickered.

"No, because they are quite familiar with you already. My uncle, coincidentally, is a teacher here at UA. So is my aunt, but she isn't as familiar with you." Izumi replied, leaving Iida and Uraraka to figure out her uncle and aunt's identities.

Izumi didn't make it very far into the classroom when she was ambushed by questions from the rest of the class.

Izumi looked at Aizawa for help, but her guardian simply shrugged and gestured for her to answer the questions.

"What happened with you back at the USJ? And during the training session? You were coughing up blood so much!" Ashido asked, and then seemed to reconsider her question, "And don't say you overused your quirk, no quirk has such a destructive side-effect to the user's own body. Not a healing quirk, anyway."

Izumi paused, is this where the entire class finds out about her disease?

She knew that this disease isn't contagious, so she wasn't worried about that. She was simply worried that her classmates would treat her differently.

She decided to tell them.

Giving a similar explanation to the one she gave Uraraka and Iida but leaving out the part where she'll most likely die by the age of 16, she answered Ashido's question.

"Are you really Divinity? As in the Streetwise Healer?" Asui asked.

"Yes, Tsuyu, I'm the real Divinity. The media gets really annoying, swarming me and constantly asking me invasive questions. Most of the time I just fly off." Izumi sighed, thinking back to that one time when she was invaded by reporters in that hospital room.

Minetta was about to ask a question, but Izumi knew that it was probably something perverted, so before he uttered a word, she knocked him out with a roundhouse kick.

"I am not dealing with his perverted words right now." Izumi muttered, "Seriously, how can a guy like him even make it into UA? He can't be a good hero if he can't be a good human."

There was one more question. From Todoroki.

"What's your relationship with All Might?"

A/N: Well, they're catching on quite quickly. But seriously, why did you write this filler?

I had nothing else to write, okay? I wanted to make clear an interaction between the classmates like a normal class! Don't worry, I'll get back to the main storyline soon.

You spent like three, four days writing this. 

I know.

Okay then. I'm out. Photonfrost 95, signing out.

Cool, I might as well leave too. Shadowflame 95, signing out.

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