A Goddess's Touch

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Izumi arrived at Aldera Junior High early the next morning and decided to take a little run around the campus to familiarize herself with the buildings when she suddenly found a boy lying on the ground in pain whilst three others kicked him repeatedly.

"Hey!" She yelled, running over to the victim, shoving the bullies aside.

She knelt down inspected the damage done to the boy, who seemed to be her age, and found several cuts and bruises all over his body, plus a broken bone.

She sighed, "I hate working off-duty." And immediately touched a few fingers to his forehead, sending a warm burst of power into him, healing the bruises and closing the wounds. The poor guy ran off immediately.

Izumi then immediately stood up, dug into her bag, and took out a sandwich.

She then proceeded to eat it.

"Oi, were you in such a rush that you didn't eat breakfast or what?" One of the bullies asked gruffly.

"It's my quirk, I get hungry after using it, I usually eat a protein bar afterwards, but the sheer amount of bruises and cuts in addition to the broken bone on this one was slightly more than a protein bar would be able to handle. That's why I keep a sandwich on me, in addition to lunch." Izumi replied without turning around, and walked off, "By the way, try not to hurt other people. I hate working off-duty."

"Who the fuck do you think you are?!" The blond-haired Pomeranian-looking guy yelled at her.

"Izumi Midoriya, professional doctor, nice to see you haven't changed, Kacchan." She shot back at Katsuki Bakugo, her childhood 'friend'.

And without turning back, Izumi Midoriya walked into the school building, completely ignoring the screams of protest coming from behind her.

Until Bakugo brought up her late mother.

She froze in place, her left eye beginning to twitch, "I'm sorry, Kacchan, could you please repeat that for me?"

"Struck a nerve, didn't I? Hah! You're such a Deku, couldn't even save her own mother with a healing quirk!" Bakugo burst into laughter.

Izumi clenched her fist, "You know, it's extremely rude to bring up someone's dead relative in a mocking manner. Even more so when you do so to attack said person."

"Oh, I'm sorry, does it look like I care?"

Izumi's veins started to pop, and she gritted her teeth, "I'm warning you, don't do this."

"Don't do what, huh? You're just a weakling!"

And in a flash, Izumi had released her wings, tearing through her school uniform, and flew into Bakugo, knocking him to the ground. She grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back whilst catching him in a headlock.

The impact evidently surprised him, Izumi glared at the other two guys around them. Her eyes were bright, seemingly glowing, and both of them were flashing the same clear message: 'Don't retaliate or you'll be next.'

Both of them whimpered and ran away.

Izumi held Bakugo for another two seconds before finally letting him go.

"Ugh, thanks a lot, now I have a torn uniform." Izumi grunted, taking off the black blazer to reveal a white shirt underneath. This one was already cut for her wings.

She fished through her bag and found her spare blazer. She put it on and went back on her way.

"By the way..." She said, turning back around to face Bakugo, "Don't bring up my mother ever again."

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