Field Medic

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Izumi met Yagi on the beach.

"So what do I need to do?" She asked, slightly cringing because of all the trash that was around.

"I want you... to move all this trash off the beach! It's perfect training for your strength!"

Izumi gaped at the massive piles of trash.

"You want me," She gestured wildly at the huge piles of trash, "To move all of that?!"

Yagi nodded.

"Uncle, you have to be kidding me! Even if I was strong enough, that would take forever!" Izumi protested.

"This training regiment was adjusted with your body in mind. If I say you can do it, then you can do it, as long as you don't overwork yourself, you will be fine.

Izumi paused, but then heaved a sigh and got to work.

She was about to grab a broken microwave and take off with her wings when All Might suddenly said, "By the way, you're not allowed to use your quirk."

Izumi groaned, 'This is gonna take forever...' She thought, as she reluctantly picked up the microwave and ran to the trash disposal truck.

This process repeated itself for about a week, by then, the muscles in Izumi's legs started to become more defined, and even though she still retained her slender figure, she started to look less like a healer, and more like a field medic.

As time passed, Izumi slowly moved onto the heavier stuff, she managed to (Barely) move a large trash can with several metal scraps inside.

The entire thing weighed about a hundred pounds, which is quite impressive for a girl about 5'4 to lift, even if it was just barely.

Weeks turned to months, as Izumi's body had slowly started to show changes. Aizawa and Kayama started to get worried about Izumi's intense workout schedule, but she always dismisses it and says that she can still manage.

Everyone at the hospital also started giving her weird looks when they noticed that Izumi's body started to have a bit more muscular tone to it.

But no-one really paid her any mind.

Not until Izumi started to get sleep-deprived.

When Izumi returned home with bags under her eyes, Aizawa and Kayama immediately told her to get some sleep and informed Yagi about the situation.

The next time Yagi met with Izumi, he expressed his worry, "Young Midoriya, have you been overworking yourself? You seem very tired."

Izumi dismissed it once again, "I'm fine, Uncle Yagi, I just had to work a little overtime at the hospital."

"Izumi, it's been three months since I first gave you this training regime, if you don't follow it, it'll do more harm than good!" Yagi exclaimed, "You can't do this to yourself!"

"I said I'm fine, Uncle Yagi! I just need a bit more sleep, and then I'll be fine!" Izumi slightly raised her voice, then realized what she had just done, "S-sorry, it's not that I'm taking this chance for granted, however this training regime isn't leaving me much time for my usual hours at work and also to help other people as the Streetwise Healer, I adjusted the training regime to give me time to do both of those things whilst also providing myself with sufficient sleep, but my work has given me a few more patients than I was able to handle in the usual hours, so I was forced to work overtime, I should be back to normal by the time the week is over."

Yagi conceded, but spared one last worried glance directed at Izumi as she got to work, heaving the heavier housewares like ovens and washing machines.

As time passed, Izumi eventually got better, just as she promised, however, there was something that struck Yagi as odd about her behavior.

She started to cough more often, and when she did, she would often wipe her hands and mouth with a damp tissue and throw it in the trash can nearby.

However, when confronted about it, Izumi simply laughed it off, "I'm fine!" She would say, "I'm just a bit sick, it should get better soon!"

Time and time again, Yagi has insisted that Izumi stay home when she was sick, but Izumi refused, saying that she would rather take the time off she has from work to train even harder.

It didn't take long for Aizawa and Kayama to catch onto what has been happening to Izumi.

"Izumi." Aizawa stopped Izumi in her tracks and took her to the living room, "Be honest with me, can you heal diseases with your quirk?"

"No, why?"

"Is that why you haven't been healing yourself and curing your disease?"

Izumi's eyes widened at that question, but she almost immediately laughed it off, "What do you mean? I'm just a little bit sick, nothing to worry about!"

"You've been using that excuse for the past month now, no simple sickness lasts longer than two weeks. You have a disease, don't you? That's why you've been wiping your hands and mouth after you cough, you're coughing up blood, aren't you?" Aizawa asked, dead serious.

Izumi hesitated for a bit, but eventually gave in, "I'm not going to live for much longer."

Aizawa sighed, "How long?"

"The doctors say that I would be incredibly lucky to live past 16." Izumi started to tear up, "I don't want to die yet, not until I become a hero that many can look up to!"

Kayama, who was eavesdropping from the corridor leading to their rooms, came out, "We'll try our best to find someone who can cure your sickness, Izumi, but for now, you cannot overwork yourself, if you start hurting, tell us, alright?"

Izumi nodded. She knew her quirk allowed her to heal the damage the disease is causing to her body, but she couldn't cure the disease itself, and she would still cough up blood occasionally, albeit very painfully and violently.

The truth hit Yagi very hard.

Izumi was dying, and she was dying very quickly.

How did she get it?

When did she get it?

These questions swirled around his head as he paced his flat, racking his brain to process these questions.

He may never know, he only hoped that Izumi lived past 16 years old.

A/N: Christ's sake, Yin, why do you feel the need to do this?

What? The fact that Izumi is slowly but surely dying of an unknown disease? Just like many other Sick Deku fanfic does?

... No, I'm talking about Aizawa and Midnight adopting her- OF COURSE I'M TALKING ABOUT THAT!

I mean, it's my fanfic, I can do what I want.

You know what? Fine. I don't even care anymore. Do what you want. Photonfrost 95, signing out.

Oh, he left. Welp, I guess I'll sign out too. Shadowflame 95, signing out.

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