Hero Names and Internship Choices

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The Sports Festival concluded with Bakugo in first place, Izumi in second, and Iida in third along with Tokoyami.

The next day, Aizawa announced the internship offers from the spectating pro heroes.

In the end, Izumi ended up getting the most offers standing at over a thousand offers.

"Well, she is Divinity, after all..." Minetta muttered in the back.

Izumi scanned the names of the heroes who offered internships with her, and her eyes landed on one hero in particular.

Gran Torino.

'Uncle Yagi said that his mentor went by this hero name.' Izumi thought.

'You reckon we should train under him?' Izuku buzzed in her head.

'We probably should, if we want to get the hang of One For All.' Izumi responded.

Aizawa then called the attention back to the front of the class.

"In order for you to have internships with these heroes, there is something you must decide first," Aizawa said, "Your hero names. Midnight will also be here to assist you in choosing a suitable and appropriate name. Choose wisely."

Suddenly, the door slid open with a slam, revealing Midnight standing there, "Or there will be hell to pay!"

Izumi just sighed, 'Auntie Kayama, why?' She inwardly complained.

Boards and markers were distributed out to every student in the class.

Izuku detached his soul from Izumi's body.

"Are you going to use Divinity here?" He asked.

Izumi nodded, "I'm going to use Divinity for me and Hellbringer for you."

"Why must you associate me with the underworld...?" Izuku pouted.

"Because your quirk is literally hellish!" Izumi whisper-yelled, then sighed, "Look, if it makes you feel any better, we'll call ourselves Duality when we are both in control, okay?"

Izuku nodded excitedly.

Izumi sighed, scrawling down, 'The Judgement Hero: Duality'

Then, underneath it, wrote, 'The Restoring Hero: Divinity' and 'The Punishing Hero: Hellbringer'.

Izumi then stood up and walked to the front of the room along with her brother.

"Since our quirks literally connect us to each other, we'll be calling ourselves different names when a different person is in control." Izumi explained, holding up her board.

Izuku's body disappeared and Izumi's eyes became heterochromic.

"The Judgement Hero: Duality." They announced, then, afterwards, allowed Izumi to take control.

"The Restoring Hero: Divinity." She announced.

Then her body molded into Izuku's body.

"The Punishing Hero: Hellbringer."

Izuku announced.

When they separated again, Midnight gave them a thumbs up, "Approved!"

The rest of the session went by quickly.

Bakugo kept choosing morbid names like 'King Explosion Murder' or 'Lord Explosion Murder'.

It wasn't long before Izuku got frustrated and yelled out at him, "Just call yourself something inspiring that has nothing to do with murder!"

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