Blood Bond

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Izumi walked back onto the arena after reconciling with her brother. 

Her opponent was Iida. The two of them eyed each other intently, neither side letting up on the tension.

"I won't go easy on you, Iida-kun." Izumi smiled.

"Likewise for you." Iida returned the smile.

Midnight cracked her whip and announced for the match to begin.

Izumi immediately launched herself into the air, preparing to strike.

Iida simply stood still, observing Izumi's movements.

Izumi dived at Iida, who was able to see and react to her movements, allowing him to quickly dodge her blow, and in the short amount of time that Izumi was near the ground, Iida quickly launched a kick at her, which she blocked with one of her wings.

Izumi quickly launched back into the sky.

Rinse and repeat, Iida and Izumi are at a standstill.

Izumi couldn't attack without Iida dodging her blows, and Iida wasn't able to even reach Izumi most of the time.

Well, it definitely seemed like that to the audience.

However, both Izumi and Iida had their respective trump cards.

Izumi prepared a One For All charge in her fingers whilst Iida overcharged his engines.

Izumi launched many ranged attacks at Iida, who managed to avoid them all and launch into the air, giving him a window of opportunity to attack Izumi.

Izumi was expecting this, and purposefully hardened her wings beforehand and tanked through the blow. It was very a powerful hit that knocked her out of the sky, but Izumi managed to regain her balance just before she landed outside of the arena.

She rose back into the air above where Iida was able to reach. By this point, both of them have exhausted their quirks.

It was plain to the audience: This was a battle of attrition, whoever can hold out the longest will be the victor.

Izumi smirked, "That was a strong kick," She commented, dropping onto the arena, "Sadly, your engines are stalling, aren't they? Well, my quirk is exhausted too, so at this point, we might as well go hand-to-hand combat."

Iida smiled, "Whatever you wish."

Izumi almost instantly charged Iida as soon as she heard those words come out of his mouth.

Whilst the two were slugging it out on the arena, Izuku watched from the bleachers.

'How is my sister so strong? That's amazing.' He thought to himself, 'I wonder what's going to happen to me?'

From next to him, Bakugo sneered, "Heh. Just as nerdy as your sister, huh?"

"I have no intention of talking to you. Kacchan." Izuku growled, borrowing his sister's nickname for Bakugo.

Bakugo's eye twitched, but he eventually decided to leave Izuku alone.

After all, no one knew how to talk to an undead boy back from the dead.

If anything, most people avoided him like the plague.

The only people who didn't actively try to avoid him were Uraraka and Iida (Due to the fact that they were Izumi's friends), and Bakugo (Due to the fact that he really couldn't care less).

As the attention was diverted back to the arena, Izumi and Iida were both panting heavily, neither of them seemed to be in any condition to fight any more, but Izumi was still able to stand, whilst Iida had to sit down to catch his breath.

"I resign," Iida panted, "Good fight."

Izumi smiled and offered Iida a hand, "You did well. You should work on your stamina next in your training, and try not to rely on your quirk too much, you don't stand a chance in hand-to-hand combat since you keep insisting on using your legs."

Iida nodded and accepted it.

"The winner is Izumi Midoriya!"


"So what's going to happen to my brother? He's officially registered as dead." Izumi asked, Izumi, Izuku, Aizawa and Kayama were in one of the preparation rooms discussing Izuku's situation.

Aizawa thought about it for a second.

"You said that before he was split from your body, he was able to inhabit and sometimes control it?" He asked.

"That's essentially the gist of it, we were also able to communicate with each other in our heads, although this was the first time he actually took control of my body to do so." Izumi said.

Izuku rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, "Yeah, about that, I just wanted to see the outside world again, I mean, come on! You keep me in this pretty much eternal darkness, it'd be stupid to not want to see the light of day."

Izumi let out a soft but aggravated sigh, "Izuku, you know full well why I don't let you control my body. The general public would freak out if they saw me with a red eye on one side and a green eye on the other, especially if the sclera of the red eye turns black. Even more so if I was seen switching between the two."

"Sibling Quirks." Kayama said.

All heads turned towards her.

"What?" Izumi asked, before coughing into her hand.

"Sibling Quirks, a set of quirks that only work when another of their set is present. It's very rare. You two seem to have a sibling quirk each and then your own individual quirks."

"That's true, Izuku awakened his quirk right before he died, and the government called it Demonic Interference whilst mine is called Divine Intervention. And then this... Sibling Quirk." Izumi muttered, "Could it be possible that Izuku inhabiting my body was part of it? Now that he has a separate body..."

Izuku suddenly took a sharp intake of breath, "Could it be that whilst one of us are alive, the other cannot die?"

Izumi shook her head, "No, that can't be it. No quirk in the world can do that, I think it's more like we can switch our consciousness back and forth when one of us inhabits the other's body. Hold on, let me try something..."

Izumi concentrated on taking over Izuku's body, but before anything happened, Izuku's body faded from sight. Izumi felt his consciousness reenter her body.

Izumi shut her eyes and reopened them to reveal one green eye and one red eye.

"Well, this is awkward." Izuku commented using Izumi's body.

Izumi sighed, "Well, I suppose we somewhat figured out our Sibling Quirk's abilities."

Aizawa sighed, "Well, you should name this quirk."

"Blood Bond." Both siblings took control at the same time and said the same thing.

Kayama laughed, "Well, we should probably get back out there, the finals are beginning soon."

A/N: Well, that happened.

Yes. That happened.

Izumi is getting newer abilities by the day.

And she is also approaching death by the day.

Yep. I have a fleshed out plan about what's going to go down next, and trust me, Bakugo is about to get his ass kicked.

I'll be looking forward to it, then.

Yep. Anyways, if you liked this, don't forget to vote, comment, and follow for more!

Peace out, everybody. Goodbye.

Shadowflame 95, signing out.

Photonfrost 95, signing out.

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