New Home

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Izumi was taken to a small, out-of-the-way house. Large enough to fit a small family, but small enough to look like a generic house and not the house of a pro hero.

She looked cautiously around the house, and only relaxed when she was certain nothing was going to hurt her here, despite Kayama's constant reassurance.

Kayama and Aizawa, mostly Kayama, showed her around the house. When the small tour was finished, Izumi immediately asked if they could drive to her old house to pick up her things.

Of course, like a responsible adoptive parent, Kayama agreed, leaving Aizawa home to cook dinner.


Over the course of two years, Izumi trained in various forms of the martial arts.

Throughout her training, she has learned several karate forms, some judo techniques, and even some kung-fu moves from an international trainer who moved from China.

She has memorized all the techniques taught to her by multiple instructors, including Aizawa, who, even though he doesn't show it, was quite fond of Izumi, and didn't want anything bad to happen to her.

"Come on, Izumi, your reaction time is still too slow for this. Remember, you can't always rely on set techniques to win your battles, you need to improvise, and that means carefully analyzing your opponents' actions and anticipating their next move. It also means being able to react fast enough to counter your opponents' attacks." Aizawa said sternly, "If the medic goes down, the whole team will soon go down as well, so stay alive, don't rely on the high defensive potential of you quirk. Get good at predicting attacks, dodge them, protect your team just like they would protect you. Take notes, write them down in a notebook if you have to, but whatever you do, don't forget anything you've been taught. It's all vital for your survival."

Izumi was good at reading between the lines, and she knew that despite Aizawa's mask of indifference, deep down he genuinely cared for her, and not just as a hero, but also as a parental figure.

It's one of the many reasons she respects him: No matter what turmoil is going on in his heart, he can always hide it with a mask, making it unbeknownst to the outside world. Observant people may read between the lines and realize that there is something going on, but most of the world is blind to this, and that's why Izumi loves that kind of skill.


Two years later, when she was still six, Izumi studied medicine, and was so enthralled in it she went into med-school.

Yes, at the age of six. She received a lot of strange looks, but no-one said anything on account of her superhuman intelligence. 

Seriously, the kid could solve a sudoku within minutes. Not to mention she understands really complicated stuff like chemical formulas and calculus.

If her quirk hadn't been registered as Divine Intervention, people would've thought her quirk was super intelligence.

Med-school would've taken around four years to complete, with three years of study beforehand in order to gain access to said med-school, and then there are like ten more years of internship, residency, and even training.

Izumi did it all in six years.

So now she is officially the youngest doctor in all of Japan, possibly the world, too.

That's eighteen years of hard work done in six.

When Izumi returned home with the news, both Aizawa and Kayama were shocked.

After a good minute or two of uncomfortable silence, Aizawa chuckled, "Well, looks like we found our new child prodigy. You really do take after your father, kid, even if his quirk has nothing to do with medicine whatsoever."

Izumi paused for a moment.

"Wait... If my father's quirk was nothing like mine, and neither was my mother's... Then whose quirk is this?" Izumi asked slowly, cautiously, as if she didn't want to know the answer to the question she had just asked.

Aizawa just sighed, "Kid, you have to understand that not all quirks are passed down genetically. Some kids don't get their quirks after their mother or their father. Cases like those are called quirk mutations. Sometimes your quirk is a combination of both parents' quirks, such a case is called a quirk marriage."

"So I have a mutated quirk?" Izumi asked.

"That's a bit of a condescending way to put it, but effectively, yes." Kayama replied.

Izumi let out a sigh of relief, at least she didn't get the answer she expected to hear.

Kayama then walked to the living room, where there was a laptop currently running.

"So, where are you going to study after this?" She asked Izumi, even though Izumi doesn't really need much of an education anymore, she literally skipped all the basics and made a beeline for the complexities.

"Well, it really doesn't matter where I go, does it?" She muttered, "The closest school to this place is Aldera Junior High, so, can I just go there?"

Kayama shrugged, "Sure, why not."

Kayama clicked through the websites and enrolled Izumi in Aldera Junior High.

"Alright, you can go in the next term, in about... three weeks." Kayama announced.

Aizawa decided he had enough of idling around, "Come on, Izumi. Training time. Let's see how much you retain."

That earned him a slap from Kayama.

"Shota! You can't just do that!"

"Sure I can, if she wants to be a combat medic hero, then she needs to be fit."

Izumi simply watched as this fight was going on. 

Another thing that should probably be noted is that Izumi doesn't really talk that often in public, meaning that there's not going to be much communication between her and her team, that is, if she does end up in a team.

Izumi sighed, "Alright, I'll come along. Thanks, uncle."

Izumi doesn't really see Aizawa and Kayama as parents more than she sees them as uncle and aunt, they were good friends with her father, so it's not misleading at all.


A few rounds of sparring later, Izumi sat down heavily and gulped down an entire bottle of water in about ten seconds.

She was in shorts and a sports bra during this sparring session so that she could let her wings out easier, Aizawa was fighting with his capture tape and his quirk, which can be used to interrupt a peculiar wing-hardening ability that Izumi is capable of.

"Heh, you did good, kid. Ever thought of becoming an instructor?"

A/N: Yes, I know, that was abrupt, and yes, I know, I haven't been uploading. Please. Don't kill me.

No, do kill him, because because of his bad grades in school due to him not paying attention during class, he's now grounded. For the next school term, he's only allowed to update once a week, and he's not allowed to play video games at all.

Goddammit, I was hoping you'd keep that down. *Sigh*, yes, I'm grounded, no, don't kill me. I'll try to update as soon as I can, but... No promises. We'll be looking at one chapter every two weeks, seeing as I have two stories to write. Welp. That's it for me.

As always, don't forget to vote, comment, and follow for more- goddammit, how do you do this all the time? Screw it, I'm skipping this part.

Photonfrost 95, signing out.

Dammit, dude.

Shadowflame 95, signing out.

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