A Seemingly Senile Old Man

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When Izumi and Izuku arrived at where Gran Torino was supposed to be, all they found was a big mansion-like building.

It was crumpled and made out of cracked bricks, like it could collapse at any moment.

Izuku walked up to the door and opened it.

"Hello? My name is Izuku Midoriya, and we're here to-"

He stopped.

There was a face-down body over a pool of red liquid.

Izuku screamed, "AHHHHH! HE'S DEAD!"

Izumi sighed, slapping Izuku, "He's alive, don't worry."

Right on cue, the old man raised his head, "I'm alive!"


Izumi facepalmed.

"Izuku, please stop being such an idiot. Shouldn't you be glad he's alive? Not scared?" Izumi groaned.

"He literally fell over in a pile of blood! How else am I meant to perceive it?!"

She sighed, "Your quirk literally allows you to detect living beings. How did you not know he was alive? He wasn't hurt or dead, because I would've felt it. You should've known he was still alive."

Izuku's face went red, and he looked away from Izumi and Gran Torino.

Izumi sighed, and walked over to the old man.

"Good morning. My name is Izumi Midoriya, and this is Izuku Midoriya." She extended her hand to the old man.

"What?" The old man turned an ear towards her.

Izumi paused, but then sighed, "I'm Divinity, and this is Hellbringer. Together, we form Duality. We're here for our internships."

He nodded, satisfied with that answer.

"Come in, come in." He beckoned the two to enter the building.

"Sis... Are you sure this is safe? I mean, look at the condition of the building!" Izuku asked his sister in a hushed tone.

"It'll be okay, Izuku, trust me." Izumi whispered back.

"Alright, we'll be taking a general assessment so I know where you're at in terms of control with your quirks." Gran Torino said, turning around, his personality completely shifting from airhead to battle-hardened veteran, "Get changed into your hero costumes, and let's begin."

Izumi and Izuku went to separate corners of the building to get changed, when they were ready, Gran Torino sized them up and down.

Izumi's costume had overall been improved, now, instead of an angel, she looked more like a goddess, with headgear the looked like a halo and a visor shielding her eyes.

She still had the robes, utility belt, and extendable rod.

Izuku's costume, hastily made by the support department, consisted of black and red robes in contrast to Izumi's white and yellow robes, black battle boots, a sword attached to his lower back and a utility belt storing syringes filled with sedatives.

Gran Torino hummed in anticipation.

"Now both of you, come at me with all you have!"

Izumi and Izuku looked at each other, and nodded.

Izumi struck first, drawing her rod and launching a blow at Gran Torino.

She fully expected him to avoid the blow, but she did not expect him to fly around the room.

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