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Izumi woke up to shouting and screaming. All of which seemed panicked.

Izumi rubbed her head and sat up.

"What's going on?" She asked, "What happened?"

Uraraka immediately leaped onto her.

"Izumi-chan! I thought you were gonna die! Your head was so burnt I thought you were for sure not going to live through it!" She cried.

Izumi turned her attention to Bakugo, who was seemingly staring at her.

Bakugo saw her look over and immediately looked away, and then trudged over, offering her a hand.

"Look, I'm sorry, okay? I didn't know what came over me." He muttered, barely audible.

Izumi stared at his hand in shock. The Bakugo she knew would never do this. Not even if he was forced to.

"A-are you okay, Kacchan? Do you need me to fetch Recovery Girl, or..." She started muttering again.

"And don't call me Kacchan. It's Katsuki."

Izumi smiled softly, and took his hand.

"Alright then, Katsuki." She whispered, then started coughing into her sleeve.

When she recovered from her coughing fit, there was quite a lot of blood on her sleeve, but she simply waved it off, "I'm fine. Don't worry about it."

The Sports Festival continued as usual, albeit with some worried looks at Izumi.

"Alright! The first two combatants of this third round are: Shinso Hitoshi, the underdog rising to the top, and Izumi Midoriya, the angel from above!" Present Mic yelled into his mic.

Izumi and Shinso faced each other. Izumi had been observing any and all of her potential opponents, and yet she's only gathered that Shinso had some kind of mind control quirk, and that any kind of physical shock should snap someone out of it, however, she has no clue as to what the trigger for his quirk is, or if there even is one in the first place.

She could only assume that it has nothing to do with eye contact, because he would've already brainwashed her the moment they locked eyes.

"Ready... Begin!" Midnight announced as she brought down her whip.

"So, what's your deal with the one Angry Pomeranian over there?" Shinso asked, pointing in the general direction of where the student spectators were sitting, "He blew you up pretty good, for no reason too, any reason for that?"

Izumi saw no good reason to answer, so she didn't, she merely heaved a sigh, "Too talkative." She muttered to herself.

She ran full tilt at Shinso, wings spread out, hardened.

Shinso noticed this, and tried to slide underneath her wings, but to no avail. The moment he tried, her wings lost their hardness and slammed into him.

Shinso was smashed into the ground, Izumi made sure to hit him with enough force to cause a great deal of pain, but not enough to be lethal.

"Oww... Heh, I struck a nerve, didn't I? What? Did you leave his mother to die or something? Is that why he hates you?" He grinned from on the ground.

Izumi suddenly developed a sudden urge to correct him.

"He was the one who left my mother to die, you insensitive prick!" She yelled, drawing back her fist to punch him, but all she saw was a small smirk before her vision went fuzzy, then it almost instantly cleared.

However, when she tried to move, she found herself unable to do so.

"Turn around and walk away." She heard Shinso's voice.

Against her will, she felt her body turn around and begin walking away from Shinso, out of the ring.

Izumi didn't panic. She quickly analyzed the situation she was in, and found that she could still control her quirk.

But it didn't matter, because at that moment, her body decided to start coughing up blood right then and there.

The violent coughing fit shook Izumi out of her trance, and she turned around to Shinso with venom and fire in her eyes. A dark aura emanated from her wings and body, completely masking her in shadow, and twisting her wings to closely resemble black demon wings rather than white angel wings.

If looks could kill, Shinso would've been dead many times over.

Shinso instinctively backed away from the quite literal demonic angel.

Izumi charged him far too quickly for a normal human and knocked him out of the ring with a One For All-charged kick, a loud crunching noise was heard, and Shinso cried out in pain, clutching his left side with his right arm.

"If murder wasn't illegal, I would've killed you in the most painful way possible, found a way to revive you, and killed you again." She hissed at him, and then knocked him out with a handknife chop to the neck.

Midnight was speechless for a while, but eventually managed to stutter out an announcement.

"I-I-Izumi M-Midoriya wins this m-match!" She announced uncertainly, as if questioning the legitimacy of her victory. She, along with Aizawa and Present Mic, were very intimidated of the dark power that Izumi displayed.

Izumi turned away, and, shooting one last hateful glare at the unconscious body of Hitoshi Shinso, walked back into the waiting room, leaving a terrified audience in the arena.


"Good grief, you really need to get that aspect of your quirk under control!" Recovery Girl was currently berating Izumi, "Really! No one needed to see the Demon!"

Izumi rubbed the back of her head, "Sorry, Sensei, it's just that Shinso really shouldn't have provoked me like that. He should really learn to respect people's personal information."

"That doesn't give you an excuse! Control your emotions! That Demon side can kill far too easily to even be allowed to exist! Use it in controlled bursts, sure, but don't use it when you're fueled by your emotions! Be glad that you didn't use it along with One For All ! Do you know how broken Shinso's arm and ribcage are?!" Recovery Girl yelled at her, slapping her arm a few times for good measure, and walked to the other side of the infirmary to treat Shinso.

Izumi apologized once again, and walked out of the infirmary... Face to face with the terrified face of Uraraka.

A/N: Well you took your sweet time.

I'm sorry! It's the holidays, okay?! Cut me some slack!

No. You had every chance to update, but no. You just had to spend all your time playing fucking Terraria.

Not just Terraria.

And Mobile Legends: Bang Bang along with Dead By Daylight Mobile, whatever.

One more.


There you go.

Why are you not concerned about your readers?!

Oh, they can handle the wait.

I disagree!

No comments asking me to update quickly.

Doesn't mean they don't want you to update quickly! Just... Whatever. Hurry up and publish this already.

As you wish.

Photonfrost 95, signing out.

Shadowflame 95, signing out.

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