Summer Camp Shopping

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In the end, five people ended up failing the Final Exams.

"Please give us a detailed recount of the experience!" Ashido sobbed.

Izumi sighed, "You're not going to be left behind, trust me. Knowing Aizawa, it was probably another logical ruse."

Iida then shot up from his seat, "That would be very irresponsible of him! How does he expect to earn our trust by repeatedly lying to us?"

Izumi chuckled, "Tenya-kun, Aizawa-Sensei is an underground hero, not a teacher. I heard he's once expelled an entire class because they didn't meet his expectations. You can't really expect him to give you a straight challenge without some sort of last-minute twist."

Iida paused, "I suppose you have a point, Izumi-san, but still, as a prestigious school, UA should not allow their teachers to teach in such a dishonest way!"

Izumi said nothing, she only shrugged, "It works, does it not? It brings out the best in all of us."

Iida went silent again, and begrudgingly returned to his seat after admitting that Izumi had another good point.

Soon after, Aizawa appeared in the doorway, and everyone scrambled to take a seat.

"Alright, so. Five of you failed the final exams." Aizawa began, eyeing the five students in question.

"Now, I've said before that those who fail will not be going to the Summer training camp, however..."

Izumi sighed, "They're actually going because they need the training more than the rest of us, right?"

Aizawa gave them his signature grin, "Absolutely right. You five need this training more than anyone else, that said, you will also be given supplementary classes to support your training."

Kaminari, Ashido, Sero, Kirishima and Sato all stared wide-eyed in shock. Partly because Izumi had predicted the outcome, partly because they were actually able to go on the Summer Camp.

"Now, we'll be leaving in a week. Get your bags packed, buy whatever else you need."


That's how Izumi found herself at the shopping mall with a bunch of her other classmates.

"So. That happened." Izumi commented, as she watched everyone else rush off to buy whatever they need.

"Yeah. So, what did you need?" Uraraka asked.

Izumi checked the list she had made for herself, "Uh, I need some sunblock and insect repellent, and a few extra sets of clothes."

"Cool! Want to get them together? I need bug spray too."

Izumi smiled, "Sure, let's go."

Izumi and Uraraka spent the entirety of that day buying their needed supplies, but as they walked past a hooded figure in an empty part of the mall, Izumi sensed danger and bloodlust from him.

He didn't seem to be making any moves, but Izumi still felt like she should keep an eye on him.

"You go on ahead, Ochako-chan, I need to do something quickly."

"Huh? Oh. Okay, I'll see you later then!"

Izumi smiled at her before turning her attention to the hooded figure.


"I'm so glad you recognized me, dear angel." The hooded figure cackled.

"Why are you here?" Izumi asked, she was in no mood to make small talk with a villain, "You know I can easily apprehend you, right?"

"That's what makes this encounter so fun. Similarly, you realize I can easily kill you, right?"

"Even if you did, I would be fine with it. I don't have long to live, anyway. If you disintegrated me, I would make sure I take you down with me." Izumi said, coughing up blood.

"How quaint. You want to play the hero, Midoriya?" Shigaraki flashed Izumi a psychotic grin, "Then die like one at your little Summer Camp."

And with that, he left, walking into a portal that took him God Knows Where.

But those words left a deep mark in Izumi's head, and for hours afterwards, those words would echo through her mind.

She went to see Aizawa about it.


Izumi was recounting her story to Aizawa back home.

"So you encountered Shigaraki?" Aizawa asked.

Izumi nodded, "He didn't make any threatening moves. He told me that he could easily kill me, as easily as I could apprehend him. Then, when I told him that I would take him down with me, he said, and I quote, 'You want to be a hero, Midoriya? Then die like one at your little Summer Camp.'"

Aizawa, although shocked, didn't visibly show it, "So you're saying that you think he knows the location of the Summer Camp?"

"Not just the location, but also when we would be going too. He seemed very confident that he knew I'd be there, and he didn't look like he was bluffing either. He has a trick up his sleeve, and whatever it is, it's not good for us. We need to be on our guard." Izumi said.

Aizawa's brow creased, "If the League of Villains attacked us at the Summer Camp, then we would be compromised, even if we manage to get our signal for help out, it will take the nearest pro heroes hours to get there."

Izumi nodded, "So if we were to be attacked, we would have to rely on ourselves to survive, right?"

Aizawa sighed, "As much as I hate to admit it, yes, we may have to fight back against the villains."

"But what would be the purpose of attacking the camp?" Izumi asked, "Surely there has to be some kind of goal that they achieve by attacking?"

Aizawa shook his head, "I don't know, but if we find out, depending on the situation, we may have to return early."

Izumi shook her head, "We won't have the opportunity to. Knowing the League, they're most likely going to launch a thought-out attack, cutting off our escape routes and communications. The safest bet would be to cancel the camp itself."

Aizawa sighed, "I get where you're coming from, but we can't. The camp is important for the development of all of our students. We can't just cancel it just because it suits our fancy."

"Not even to avoid a villain attack and potentially having the students injured or killed?" Izumi raised an eyebrow.

"We don't even know for sure if they are actually going to attack. Shigaraki may have only been saying that to deter our programs." Aizawa said, "For now, we just need to prepare for the worst and hope for the best."

A/N: Sorry I was inactive for so long. I had vacation. 

Yes, yes. I'm sure they'll kill you if they find out where you live.

Prepare for the worst, hope for the best. An excellent mindset to live by.

And yet you prepare for the best and expect the worst.

Hey, I prepare for the worst too.

Really? You ever take that into account when you play Genshin Impact on your iPad every night behind your mom's back?

Hey, I can't help it, alright? I mean, frickin Tartaglia came home.

You really are a fucking idiot.

Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Anyways, if you enjoyed this chapter, consider voting and following if you want more from this account. It's free, and you can always unfollow.

Peace out, everyone. Goodbye.

Shadowflame 95, signing out

Photonfrost 95, signing out

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