The Pain Known As Stain

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As Izumi and Izuku fought Stain, he started lecturing them about his ideology.

"Fake heroes?" Izumi asked, "Judging from your definition of a fake hero and your goal to eliminate all fake heroes, you have a long way to go until a true culling of fake heroes. But we're not going to let you do that. No matter their motivation, if they willingly take on that challenge and risk their lives every day keeping people safe, then they are heroes in my eyes!"

With those words, Izumi swiped at Stain with her staff, but like the pain in the ass that he is, he jumped out of the way and tried to cut Izuku with his blades.

But Izuku blocked the strike with his own blade, and then drew back his fist, punching Stain.

Stain grunted in annoyance, staring the twins down.

He observed as they each channeled One For All through their bodies, Izumi giving off a divine golden glow and Izuku with red and black sparks of demonic energy crackling around him.

One strike after another, one counterattack after another.

Stain was going full throttle at the twins. It was almost impossible to track his movements with the naked eye.

But much to Stain's surprise, the duo known as Duality managed it.

Stain quickly became tired of this endless charade. He knew that he had to leave quickly, before the pro heroes arrive, but he couldn't do so whilst these two were still standing.

Stain grinned maniacally, and without much warning, the distance between Stain and the twins was instantly transformed into a flurry of blades.

By this point, Stain was moving even faster than even Izumi or Izuku could track with their eyes.

They had to rely on their hearing to locate Stain, as it took too long to look around.

Using sight and sound in tandem to keep up with Stain, Duality unleashed a flurry of their own.

Though unlike Stain's flurry of blades, they unleashed a flurry of wings.

The impact knocked Stain backwards into another wall.

At this point, he was getting really tired of being slammed into walls.

The hero killer stood up, but didn't attack.

He licked his blade.

As soon as he did, Izumi could no longer move.

In the confusion that ensued in the storm of blades and wings, only one drop of blood was spilled.

And it belonged to Izumi.

Maniacal laughter echoed through the alleyway, and Izuku looked up to find Stain directly in front of him.

Izuku had no time to react. He couldn't retreat into Izumi's body in time.

But before the hero killer slit his throat open, a column of fire burst from the other end of the alley.

It forced Stain to jump out of the way, effectively sparing Izuku from the hero killer's blade.

With a column of fire that intense, there could only be one person it belonged to.

But Izuku was wrong.

Where he expected to see Endeavor, he instead found a familiar-looking boy with red and white hair.

It was...

"Todoroki-kun!" Izuku yelped in surprise as he avoided yet another one of Stain's blows.

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