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Class 1-A had a field trip to the USJ today.

After checking in with Izumi to make sure she was okay, Yagi took Izumi to UA.

Izumi was immediately pestered with questions, all of which she dismissed. She didn't want any of her classmates worrying about her sickness, so she just told them that she overused her quirk, and the medical choker was for Recovery Girl to monitor her quirk usage.

The bus to UA was soon leaving the campus, Iida tried and failed to get the class to board the bus in an orderly manner due to the bus being a different kind that he was used to.

The students discussed their quirks of the bus, which each of them discussing the strengths and weaknesses of their own quirk and those of others.

When the bus pulled up to a stop at the USJ, the class stepped into the building and gasped at how large it is.

Pro Hero Thirteen introduced herself inside, rambling on and on about the separate zones and rules of the USJ, but was suddenly cut off when Kirishima pointed out a purple mist from the plaza.

"Hey, what's that?" Kirishima asked, pointing towards the plaza.

"No, it can't be... Thirteen drew a breath. Aizawa immediately raised his guard.

Villains poured out of the purple mist, but a lot of the class interpreted them as actor villains.

"Cool! They even have fake villains here!" Kirishima exclaimed, but was quickly cut off by Izumi.

"No, those are real villains. I've been here before, there has never been a course with fake villains." She said, "Get ready to either fight or run, whatever the situation calls for."

"I can't get into contact with the school!" Thirteen yelled, slightly panicked.

Izumi narrowed her eyes, then she turned off her medical choker, "If the information stops coming through, Recovery Girl will definitely know something is wrong."

Three more villains appeared, "Where is All Might? We were told he would be here today."

'They're after Uncle Yagi?' Izumi thought, she was glad that All Might took her advice and took it easy with the hero work, but now that he isn't here...

"Well, might as well get his attention by killing some of these UA brats." He rasped.

Izumi immediately released her wings.

The hand guy turned in her direction, "Those wings, are you the one they call Divinity, perhaps?"

Izumi was shocked that the villain recognized her when her classmates were unable to, but her gaze hardened, "That's right, I will not let any of these people die!"

Izumi immediately charged at the hundreds of villains swarming the plaza, ignoring the calls of Thirteen and Aizawa.

The rest of the students stood in shock, until the purple mist broke them out of their stupor. 

Izumi landed on the ground in the midst of the villains, and proceeded to knock them all out, one by one, with her metal rod.

Aizawa cursed underneath his breath and jumped in to join the fray.

"I will permit you brats to fight if necessary, but do not engage the villains unless they engage you first!" Aizawa yelled to the students behind him, just before they were all separated.

Izumi and Aizawa fought back to back, taking down any villain that dared to approach them.

Suddenly, the hand guy jumped at Aizawa.

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