Heroes In Training

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All Might burst in the door.

Walking in 'like a normal person' he says.

He was not walking normally.

It was like he was marching in.

"All Might, please, just walk normally..." Izumi muttered, "None of that marching."

All Might simply laughed it off, "Now, as you all know, I'm your teacher for Foundational Hero Studies, get changed into your hero costumes, they should all be over there. Be sure to grab the correct one, and let's go to Training Ground Beta!"

That was an abrupt way to start a lesson. 

The students all grabbed their cases and headed off to the change rooms.

Izumi took a corner for herself, changing into her hero costume, which slightly resembles the robes of an angel, except more tightly fitted to prevent it from sliding off.

The costume on her made her look like a battle angel, it was all white with teal highlights, the jumpsuit, which was decorated with pieces of medieval body armor, fitted tightly around her body, with space at the back for her wings to stretch out. There was a utility belt on the jumpsuit, which allowed Izumi to hold more food and medical supplies, and lastly, the extendable metal rod attached to the right shoulder blade.

Izumi didn't have a very offensive quirk, which meant that she had to rely on physical strength and weapons to do so, and the only non-lethal weapon she could think of was a metal rod.

She exited the change rooms first, looking around to analyze the costumes on the other students.

All Might laughed with pride at how 'cool' the students looked, he said that they 'look like real heroes now!'

All Might announced that they were going to be doing a team exercise, and stated that they were going to be playing Villains and Heroes.

They drew lots to determine the teams, and then further drew out balls from boxes to determine who was up against who.

Izumi was paired up with Uraraka, facing off against Iida and Bakugo.

"Okay, Uraraka, your quirk removes the pull of gravity from objects that you touch, right?" Izumi asked.

Uraraka nodded in confirmation.

"Cool, now, I want you to use your quirk on me, my clothes, and my weapon. I'm going to fly."

Uraraka stared at her in shock.

"Wouldn't you need time to adjust yourself?"

"Not really, it just saves energy for the actual fight."

Uraraka looked at her uncertainly, but then complied.

Izumi flew up, outside the walls of the building.

"Uraraka, move in, locate the bomb, hide from anyone and everyone. Remember, Bakugo's main target is most likely going to be me, which means that as long as you stay out of his way, he should ignore you." Izumi instructed Uraraka, floating outside the building, "Once you locate the bomb, tell me which floor it's on, also, try to distract Iida from the bomb once I've given you the all clear."

"Got it." Uraraka's reply was near instant, "But how are you going to break in?"

"My wings, 'nuff said."

"O-okay..." Uraraka muttered.

Izumi nodded and hardened her wings, floating next to the building, and carved a little peekhole into the building.

Just her luck that Bakugo spotted her as she was doing that.

"DEKU!!!" Bakugo yelled.

"Uraraka, change of plans. I'm now engaging Bakugo, locate the bomb and do everything in your power to secure it, I'll come as soon as I can."

Uraraka shouted affirmative, as Izumi refocused on Bakugo.

"Well, I'm here now. Let's dance, Kacchan."

Bakugo sneered, "Stop looking down on me, you damn nerd!"

Izumi swiftly avoided Bakugo's blows, "You're too predictable. You couldn't beat me last time, how are you going to beat me this time?"

Izumi unleashed her wings and, after telling Uraraka to release her Zero-Gravity effect, blew a massive gust of wind towards Bakugo, causing him to stumble and back away. 

"You damn nerd, if you have such an amazing quirk, what happened to your mom, huh?!" He yelled.

That one struck a nerve. Bakugo is relentless when he taunts someone.

Izumi paused, but managed to regain her composure, but with a much colder demeanor.

"You don't get to talk about my mother, Katsuki Bakugo. You were there too, and what did you do when the villain attacked? Ran away like a goddamn coward when my mother was bleeding on the ground. You could've been there, you could've prevented the earthen tendril from even reaching her! But no, you had to run away like the true coward you are, constantly looking down on others to hide your own cowardice. How does it feel to have your own cowardice bite you back?" Izumi asked as she flew at Bakugo at high speeds, wrapping her wings around herself and hardening them to pretty much create a giant catapult projectile.

Izumi bowled into Bakugo, knocking him into the opposing wall, and released her wings.

"I hate you, Bakugo Katsuki. Don't show your stupid face around me, or I won't hesitate to drop you off the top of a building." Izumi sneered, turning away.

However, she didn't get far before coughing up blood and collapsing.

Back in the monitor room, people were panicking.

A lot of people assumed that Bakugo pulled some kind of dirty trick, but when they looked back at the screen showing him, they saw him unconscious.

All Might started to panic, Izumi's sickness has gotten worse. It was the same sickness that sent Hisashi Midoriya to an early grave, and it was getting to Izumi very quickly.

"No, that's not good..." All Might muttered, he immediately called off the training session and carried Izumi to the infirmary. 

Izumi didn't wake up for another hour, but when she did, the first thing she did was turn on her side and cough up some more blood.

Izumi put a hand on her chest and healed the dead cells in her heart and lungs, she swung her legs off the bed and attempted to walk back to the classroom, but she didn't get very far before she was pulled back by Recovery Girl, who put a medical choker on her that monitors her health.

A/N: So Izumi's sickness was the same one that killed her father?


I'm guessing it was passed down through the genes?


So how can she survive it?

She won't.

What? Okay... How soon will she die?

Pretty soon.

Stop being vague!


You know what? Fuck you. I'm out. Photonfrost 95, signing out.

Do what you want. Shadowflame 95, signing out.

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