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The UA Sports Festival was inbound, and Izumi was training overtime with her mentor. 

Uraraka and Iida both insisted on training with them, so All Might had no choice but to stay as 'Cousin Yagi'.

"Cousin Yagi!" Izumi called out when she saw him. He turned towards her.

"Why did you even start calling me 'Cousin Yagi' instead of 'Uncle Yagi'?" Yagi asked, "I thought I told you to call me uncle."

Izumi nodded, "Yeah, I know, but it felt weird calling you Uncle when you're my cousin in reality. Even if you are much older than I am."

Yagi sighed, "I suppose that's understandable."

Izumi giggled, "So glad you understand. Anyway, these are my friends, Uraraka and Iida, the ones I told you about."

Yagi nodded, "I see, you said that they also know of your... condition?"

Izumi nodded, "Well, my whole class knows, so there's no point in hiding that anymore."

Uraraka peeped out from behind Izumi, "Izumi-chan, didn't you say your cousin was... a lot more muscular?"

That question set alarm bells ringing in Yagi's head.

"Right, about that... Do you two promise to keep a secret?" Izumi asked.

"We've kept many..." Iida said, "How many more do you want us to keep?"

That line made Izumi laugh, "Yeah, I suppose you're right. Do you want to show them now, Cousin Yagi?"

"Show them what?" He asked sheepishly.

Izumi sighed, "Your quirk, dummy. Don't worry, they can keep secrets."

Yagi sighed, "Alright then. I'm... actually known by another name. Other than Toshinori Yagi. My alias is..." Yagi buffed up, turning into All Might, "All Might, otherwise known as the Symbol of Peace."

He then quickly deflated, "I don't want any more people knowing than necessary, okay, Izumi?"

Uraraka and Iida stared in shock as Izumi nodded.

"Your first cousin, once removed is All Might?!" Uraraka whisper-yelled, knowing that All Might didn't want anyone else to know about it.

Izumi simply nodded, "Now shut up and train with me."


The UA Sports Festival has arrived, and after dealing with some inconveniences outside the 1-A classroom, all twenty members of Class 1-A walked out onto the field as Present Mic commentated.

Midnight stepped up to the podium and silenced the audience with a crack of her whip.

"Now, let's welcome our Class 1-A representative for our student's pledge: Izumi Midoriya!"

Izumi walked up to the mic.

"Before I begin with my pledge, I'd like to thank each and every one of you who was able to make it to this venue, as well as all the students taking part in this Sport Festival. Now, I pledge to go all out in this Sport Festival, I won't insult anyone here in the same stadium that I am standing in by going easy on them, so I will not expect anyone to go easy on me, even with my disease." Izumi inwardly cursed herself, she did not mean to say that, "But remember: Whether you win or lose in this festival matters not. What matters is our personal growth from the events that transpire here. We all know the motto, let's say it together: Go Beyond..."

"Plus Ultra!" Everyone in the stadium chanted, all the while clapping and cheering for her.

However, Midnight looked at her in concern, "Hold up, did you say disease?"

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