Final Exams

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It took a while, but it was finally here.

The final exams. The hardest exams in the year. It consisted of a practical and written exam, and was considered to be the most difficult exam to pass in the first year.

Aizawa had told the students that if they failed the final exams, they would not be able to attend the Summer Camp.

Well, that should provide plenty motivation for them.

Izumi was currently debating with her brother in the cafeteria.

"I keep telling you, the best way to use your quirk isn't to use it for harming! It's to use it for detecting anyone in pain!" Izumi said in annoyance, "One For All is enough to make up for combat ability!"

"And yet, by using my quirk, I can immobilize villains and fight for longer periods of time by stealing their stamina!" Izuku argued, "Isn't that a win-win situation?"

"Should your quirk go out of control, everyone's stamina from around you will be drawn into you! It does more harm than good!" Izumi said, "It's better to prevent those risks!"

"The same can be said for you! Your quirk goes out of control, everyone's pain will be drawn into you, which will kill you!" Izuku yelled.

Suddenly, something knocked into the back of Izuku's head, he looked around, and there was Monoma.

"Oh, I'm sorry, it's just that your head was so ridiculously big that it's kinda hard to miss it!" He gloated, "You think Class 1-A is all high and mighty, huh? Well, news flash: You're nothing but villain lure! Jeez, I heard Class 1-A was attacked at the USJ! Seriously, what villains are you going to curse us with? What demo- hrk!"

Izumi had enough, and she slammed her extendable staff into his throat.

She retracted it again and pocketed it.

"News flash for you, Monoma-kun: Class 1-A have experienced life-or-death situations, where one wrong move could've gotten us killed. Class 1-B has not. You don't know the meaning of a real fight like we do."

Izumi stood up and left, pulling Izuku along with her.


After the written exam, Izumi was paired with Bakugo against All Might.

"Don't get in my way." Bakugo smirked.

"Wouldn't dream of it." Izumi snorted, drawing her extendable staff.

They ventured through the streets of the city, searching for the exit, whilst at the same time arguing about what to do when they inevitably encounter All Might.

"Katsuki-kun, there's no way we can beat All Might, not even with a handicap, we need to make sure at least one of us escapes." Izumi sighed in exasperation, "Because if he were an actual villain, we'd both be dead in seconds. So we need to run, we need to hide. We need to hope that he doesn't find us, because if he does, we're both screwed."

"You're a healer, can't you just heal my wounds during the fight?" He scoffed, cracking his knuckles, "Because we need to make sure he doesn't cause anymore destruction to the city."

Izumi sighed, "You know that for me to heal you, we both need to be moving at the same velocity, in the same direction, or standing still. All Might won't give us that chance. I can only heal you if All Might is distracted by something else."

But then Izumi realized.

"Something else..."

A maniacal grin spread across her face, it scared everyone who was watching them on the monitors, and even Bakugo.

"Izuku~ Come out, it's time to play~" Izumi said in a sing-song voice, which was, in Bakugo's opinion, both innocent and creepy at the same time.

Izuku appeared, "Jeez, that voice was creepy. Anyways, what do you need?"

"Wait in a nearby building, and if Katsuki-kun gets hurt, you jump in and distract All Might whilst I heal him." Izumi explained, "I'd have you both fight at the same time, but I can't risk having you both injured."

"I can sap his strength." Izuku said, "Wouldn't that help?"

"Like he'd give you enough time to do that. You'd have to be quite close by to do that, and he sure as hell isn't going to just stand around whilst you're right there." Bakugo snorted.

A soft yet aggravated growl was heard, causing Bakugo and Izumi to both laugh.

Izuku trudged off into a nearby building, "Of course I'm the one on standby."

"Sorry, buddy, just business!" Izumi laughed, but they didn't enjoy the joke for long before All Might arrived and smashed through the city.

Izumi and Bakugo locked eyes, nodding in unison, and they split up.

Bakugo charged head-on at All Might whilst Izumi took to the skies.

Whilst All Might's attention was divided between them, All Might primarily attacked Izumi, due to her being a healer who can keep getting the fighters back into the fight. 

Unfortunately for him, Bakugo was a formidable fighter, and Izumi wasn't lacking either, together, the duo were able to keep All Might busy.

It was enough to divide his attention so that he focuses away from Izuku, who had access to one of the handcuffs.

Bakugo dived in, palm outstretched, ready to attack All Might once again, when Izuku suddenly appeared between them and slapped one end of the handcuffs on All Might's right wrist.

Izuku put a palm to All Might's chest, forcefully draining away his strength whilst forcing the other end of the handcuffs towards his left wrist.

Izumi, noticing what Izuku was doing, decided to pitch in and help push All Might's left wrist towards his right.

However, Bakugo didn't seem like a fan of the idea, and unleashed a massive explosion at All Might from point-blank range, burning Izuku in the process.

Izumi quickly laid a hand on Izuku's back, healing the burn whilst yelling at Bakugo, "You are absolutely fucking stupid sometimes, you know that?! Why the hell would you attack an enemy through an ally?! I swear to god, sometimes I wonder why I haven't killed you yet!"

But Izumi quickly took a deep breath and sighed, using the excess pain energy from Izuku, Izumi boosted her own strength and punched All Might with the combined power of All For One and her own quirk's side-effects.

It stunned him momentarily, but that moment was all it took for the heroes-in-training to win.

A/N: Okay, so that took a really long time to release.

No shit, you really don't do shit about your stories during vacation.

Oh I'm sorry that my friends keep wanting to play video games with me.

You have friends?

That's rich, coming from the one that no-one knows about.

... You're just recycling an insult your friend threw at you.

Not really, but sure. Anyways, that's that. If you enjoyed this chapter, consider voting and leaving a comment. Follow if you want more content like this.

Peace out, everybody. Goodbye.

Shadowflame 95, signing out.

Photonfrost 95, signing out.

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