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Loud sharp knocks jolted Jayden from an uncomfortable slumber. He opened his eyes groggily as the knocks stubbornly persisted. He rolled himself from the bed and stumbled to the door, swinging it open just as a fist poised in the air, ready for another bout of knocking.

He glared at the offender. 'What?'

The prefect, an Asian teen, looked unimpressed. 'You're late.'

Jayden blinked. 'What?'

The prefect turned away. 'Get ready. You've already missed breakfast and will no doubt miss the opening assembly. If you hurry, you'll make it in time for orientation.'

Jayden cursed under his breath. He hadn't meant to sleep in this late. He glanced at the clock. It was 8:15 am.

The prefect walked out of the dorm, pausing by the doorway, he spoke over his shoulder. 'Orientation is at 8:30. Don't be late.'

Jayden glanced at the clock again before jumping quickly in the shower. He dressed hurriedly and stumbled out the door with five minutes left on the clock.

He arrived at the auditorium two minutes late and a little out of breath. The prefect who had woken him was standing by the stage with his arms crossed. He frowned at him and walked over.

'You're late.'

'I know.'

He shook his head in annoyance. 'Your mates are already on their way to their classrooms. What is your student ID?'

Jayden shrugged. 'CO4 something, something.'

The prefect rolled his eyes. 'Hopefully, that will be enough. Follow me.'

He led Jayden out of the auditorium and past the administration complex. They walked past a large fountain and across a quadrangle before stopping by a row of buildings.

'Since you are missing the orientation, I guess I have to orientate you myself.'

Jayden said nothing.

The prefect sighed. 'Very well. Lumière International High School sits on eighty thousand acres of land. It was originally some thirty thousand acres but over the years, more land was acquired by the various past heads.'

They continued walking, passing a large football field. The prefect turned to him.

'The school partakes in several sports. There are three football fields, three soccer pitches, three all-purpose fields, and a horse racetrack. There are also six swimming pools, six tennis courts, and six basketball courts, each of them three indoors and three outdoors.

'There are three because one is used for recreation, one for competitions and the other for physical education.'

He gestured to the football field by them. 'This, for example, is used for competitions.'

He turned and continued to walk. Jayden hurried after him, slowing down when he reached his side.

'We partake in competitions both within the school and outside. Within, we have several like interhouse, interclass, and interforms.

'Of course, the only one that everyone is actually interested in is interhouse. The competition is cutthroat. Everyone gets into it; teachers, students, parents, other staff, even the headmistress, and the school's Board of Governors all make an appearance.

'Speaking of I've got to tell you about the houses. As you know, there are four houses, each named after a constellation and each possessing distinctive traits. They are Scorpius, Aquila, Draco and Lepus.

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