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The cold rain fell like sheets of ice, stinging like needles as it landed on poor souls unlucky enough to be caught in the torrent. Across the sleeping city, a sky overcast with dark clouds rumbled softly with the faint signs of thunder, and in the far distance, lightning flashed sporadically in the night.

A dark figure darted into an alleyway, clutching the raincoat tightly over their hunched figure. They looked up at the grey sky and cursed under their breath before walking on, kicking a stray cat crankily from their path as they turned down another alley.

The yellow tabby yowled and glared at the offender, but they had already disappeared down another side-alley. With a huff, it stuck its tail in the air and sought shelter under an overflowing garbage can.

Grumpier than ever, the mysterious figure stopped beside a half-lit neon sign and checked their watch. They cursed again and stomped their feet furiously to ward off the invading cold.

Why did he ask to meet me here, of all places?

They clutched the raincoat around themselves tighter as the wind whipped the ice-cold rain into their face.

'I hope I have not kept you waiting,' a smooth voice whispered suddenly.

They whipped their head to see a man in a long coat, standing beside them as if suddenly materialising out of thin air.

'Why do you do that?' they snapped, clutching their chest in an attempt to calm their racing heart.

The man shrugged noncommittedly, and for a moment, the only sound between them came from the barrage of rain glancing off the umbrella the newcomer held between them.

'Are you going to tell me why you decided we had to meet here in this ungodly weather?'

The man let out a heavy sigh. 'You have such an unimaginative brain, Valentina. It would be pitiful if it wasn't so repellent.'

Valentina scowled. 'Did you call me out here just to insult me?' she demanded furiously, knowing his eccentric mind was very well capable of it.

He slowly turned to face her, and as his lips pulled up into a smile, her anger rapidly turned into a fear so visceral it sent shivers down her spine.

She suddenly felt a chill that had nothing to do with the inclement weather and unwittingly took a step back.

'You want my help, don't you?' he asked softly, as he brought a hand to caress her face.

Another shiver tore through her spine as she looked up into that stunningly beautiful face with features so angelic they completely belied the dark and dangerous nature concealed underneath.

She steeled herself, forcing her eyes to meet his cold ones as she nodded firmly.

He hummed to himself absentmindedly as he studied her thoughtfully. 'You do know what I'm going to ask from you in return?'

Her jaw clenched and her fists tightened by her side as she once more nodded softly.

'I'm willing to pay that price.'

His lifeless eyes glistened briefly with interest. 'Going this far for love? I must admit I'm surprised, I never considered you as a person with a heart, Valentina.'

Valentina scoffed. 'Love? What am I going to do with love?'

'Oh?' he asked with feigned interest, taking his hand off her face.

Her shoulder's sagged with relief, however, she couldn't let her guard down. She had detected the tone in his voice and grew even more cautious. He was growing bored with her, and he was never more dangerous than when he was bored.

'I can give you something else. Something I know you've always wanted.'

He glanced dismissively at her. 'What could you possibly know of my desires?'

'I know you have failed to gain it thus far. That it has always been beyond your grasp-'

Her voice was cut off when his hand suddenly shot out and gripped her neck like a vice. His eyes flashed menacingly as he pulled her closer.

'You mistake my current tolerance for interest,' he hissed. 'The only reason you're still alive is because I find your particular brand of desperation mildly amusing.'

She spluttered as his hand tightened further, completely cutting off her airflow.

'Do not forget, you exist by my mercy.' His voice dropped murderously. 'You breathe from my grace and remain alive at my pleasure.'

Dark spots began to form across her vision as her consciousness slowly trickled away. He suddenly released his hand and she fell in a heap at his feet.

'Fortunately, there may be a chance for you to prove your usefulness.'

She gasped as the air suddenly returned to her lungs. Coughing, she tried to struggle to her feet as the rain mixed with the tears on her face making them almost indistinguishable.

He considered her kneeling form for a moment before crouching to wipe the tears from her face.

'Are you alright?' he asked. The concern in his voice sounded so real that it almost fooled her.

He helped her to her feet, brushing the hair from her face with a gentleness she wasn't aware he was capable of. Sometime during their scuffle, the umbrella had been tossed aside. It now lay forgotten on its side as the rain filled their vision.

'Are you alright?' he repeated his question, his earnest face taken over by worry.

She nodded hesitantly as she reached up to rub her neck, wincing slightly at the pain.

'I'm afraid that's going to bruise. I'm so sorry about that.'

'It's alright,' she rasped. 'It's nothing, I'm not used to.'

A blinding smile filled his face as he burst into laughter. 'Yes, I believe you're right. Funny, isn't it?'

A faint throbbing appeared in her skull. His mood swings was beginning to give her whiplash.

'What did you mean, when you said there might be a chance for me to prove my usefulness?'

He blinked at her in confusion as if he had temporarily forgotten that he had ever uttered such words.

'It's nothing to trouble you with.'

She glanced warily at him. 'So, will you help me?'

He flashed another brilliant smile at her. 'Of course, I will, and in exchange...'

'I will do it,' she replied without hesitation.

'Perfect,' he smiled. 'Then do we have a deal?'

She reached out to take his outstretched hand but paused halfway. A feeling of foreboding settled over her like a cloak.

'You have an ulterior motive, don't you?'

He said nothing, his smile still in place as he waited patiently.

Throwing caution to the wind, she steeled herself and gripped his hand, sealing their deal with a handshake.

His dark eyes glistened and as thunder crashed above them, her blood ran cold, and she was left with the unsettling feeling that she had just made a deal with the devil.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Forgive me, I know I promised to work night and day to update regularly and this chapter is very late. However, I fell ill with the most terrible flu known to mankind. My throat felt like a furnace for days, and it felt like a herd of elephants were having a party in my skull. I'm still recovering so here's a short chapter to take you into the new year. 

Thus saying, Happy New Year everyone! A toast to the future, whatever it may bring.

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