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A/N: Paul in the picture above.


Jayden was out of his seat the moment the siren went off for recess. Grabbing Noel's arm, he pulled him hastily to his feet and shot out the door not bothering to wait for the class to be dismissed. It was all Noel could do to stay on his feet as he was dragged unceremoniously across the quadrangle.

They didn't get very far when they heard someone calling after them.

'OI! Wait up!'

It was Samuel. Jayden didn't slow down but rather quickened his pace. Samuel however, soon caught up with them.

'Damn, you're fast,' he panted, struggling to keep up.

Jayden didn't bother looking at him. 'Go away.'

Samuel pouted at that. 'Oh come on, you can't treat me like that after what happened.'

Jayden ignored him and continued to quicken his pace. Samuel rolled his eyes in frustration and stepped in front of them, forcing them to halt in their tracks.

'Enough. Don't you think you owe me an explanation after throwing me under the bus like that?'

Jayden glared at him for a few seconds before rolling his eyes in surrender. 'Fine.'

Without waiting for a reply, he sidestepped him and continued on his sprint across the yard.

Samuel pumped a fist into the air in excitement before quickly jogging after them. They arrived at the cafeteria and Jayden led them to a secluded table in the corner of the garden.

A blue sparrow alighted on the table and begun to chirp pleasantly as they took their seats. Samuel and Noel cooed over it until Jayden chased it off with just a single glare.

'Why do you always have to be so mean?' Samuel pouted as he stared after the bird.

Jayden ignored him. Without warning, he suddenly turned to smack Noel hard upside his head.

'Ouch!' Noel winced as he rubbed his head. 'What was that for?'

'That was for being a fool,' Jayden replied with a blank expression as he watched Noel put his glasses back on.

'What did I do?' Noel protested loudly.

'Though I appreciate the sentiment, I expected you to have a bit more sense on your shoulders. It was my choice to take the blame for you and I knew full well the consequences of my actions when I made that decision. I can afford to break the rules but you can't or need I remind you?'

Noel glanced down at the table and muttered, 'I know but you have done so much for me and I didn't want to be the reason you were suspended.'

'Okay, I'm lost,' Samuel broke in. 'Why can't he afford to break the rules?'

'Because I'm a scholarship kid.' Noel answered. 'If I break the rules my scholarship could be revoked and I'll get kicked out.'

Samuel's mouth formed into an 'o' shape. 'But why did you put a phone in your backpack in the first place.'

'I didn't!'

'Okay, hold up. If you didn't put the phone in your bag how the hell did it get there?'

'I have a theory,' Jayden commented wryly.

Samuel and Noel both turned to him expectantly.

'Remember this morning when a certain sorry excuse of an ape threatened to tear you down?'

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