Chapter 63

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Maids darted quickly up and down the long corridors of Mills Manor, cleaning and dusting as the footmen bustled through beside them carrying tables, chairs, carpets, and all other things you could think of.

The first term of the school year was already over, and before anyone knew it, Christmas was upon them once more. However, instead of bringing with it the warm thoughts of carols, presents, trees, or all the other joyful things that made the season worth celebrating, all it brought to the staff of Mills Manor was more work as they prepared feverishly for the annual Christmas ball held at the manor.

The ball was the highlight of the season. All the families of the 52 would be in attendance, therefore, not even the slightest thing could go wrong.

Jayden, it would seem, appeared to be the only resident of the manor who was unbothered about the whole affair. He ignored the bustling around him as he walked through the winding hallways, doing his best to keep out of the servants' way.

He turned down a corridor and walked down a flight of steps to soon find himself in the kitchens. He looked around him in confusion, wondering how he got there as the fires flared around him, attended by hurried chefs who barked furious orders to their assistants.

Jayden ducked out of the way as a group of waiters passed by with a towering cake. He swiped a piece of fruit from a nearby platter and retraced his steps. He soon left the heat and noisiness of the kitchen behind him and he turned down another corridor only to be met with a dead end.

He frowned as he took another path only to appear in the doorway leading to the gardens. He closed his eyes, and counting to ten, he opened them again before retracing his steps. He took a side corridor, and after several twists and turns, he found himself back in the kitchens.

He had had enough. He walked up to the nearest waiter and dragged him away from the kitchens. He set him outside the corridor and in a short tone ordered, 'Take me to my mother.'

The waiter, a young man who appeared to be older than him by only a few months, stared up at him in fear and nodded quickly. In a few short steps, he had led him away from the kitchen, and after a series of corridors, they appeared at the entrance of the grand ballroom.

The curtains were open wide and a flood of light poured in from the floor-to-ceiling windows that lined the room. Victoria Mills stood in the centre of the ballroom, her stunning figure as imposing as ever as she directed the flocks of servants around her.

'Get those suits of armour out of the way -careful they are antique. Martin carry that carpet out. Mrs. Carter, could you make sure the maids store the tapestries safely... a bit more to the left, Maggie.'

Jayden followed his guide as he led them through the flurry of activities, ducking and weaving around the glittering silverware and fine china as the servants rushed to obey his mother's orders.

'Ah, there you are Arthur,' Victoria said as she caught sight of the waiter. 'Come and help me do combat with this atrocity.'

She turned and walked with sure strides to the corner of the room where a large ice sculpture stood. It was a horrid-looking thing. The sculpturer seemed to have begun carving a duck but changed his mind halfway and proceeded to sculpt a flower, only to change his mind again and settle upon a man. The result was a frightful humanoid-looking thing that appeared to be a mix of all three.

Victoria raked it with a disgusted look. 'What does the note say?' she asked her assistant.

Her assistant picked up the little note tucked beside it and read: 'A little ornament to brighten up your ball. Love, Lizzie.'

'I've heard about the artist, ma'am,' Arthur spoke up. 'He's famous for being an out-of-the box-thinker.'

'Not so much out-of-the-box than out of his mind,' she muttered.

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