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A/N: For maximum experience, you can play the song when you reach the part it begins playing in the chapter. Trust me, it would definitely be worth it ;).


The days went by and soon, the cold month of January gave way to the even colder month of February and with it, the hush excited atmosphere of romance as the students of Lumière got ready to celebrate St. Valentine's Day.

Excited squeals filled the hallways as girls were asked out in grand gestures and boys sought to outdo one another in the expression of their affections. All in all, love was in the air and it made Leo absolutely sick to his stomach.

He rolled his eyes in disgust as another girl squealed in happy surprise as a boy presented her with a bouquet of roses. 'What a bunch of lovesick idiots,' he grumbled as he slammed his locker shut.

'You're just upset because you don't have anyone to go out with,' Paul said in amusement, following him as he made his way to class.

Leo scoffed. 'As if you've got a date, you're as single as I am.'

'The difference between us is, I am single and happy.' Paul pointed out. 'You are just single and depressed.'

Leo couldn't argue with that. 'Why are you even single anyway?' he asked grumpily. 'There are so many hot girls who would die to be with you.'

As if to prove his point, a group of girls suddenly walked past them and giggled when they set eyes on Paul, playing flirtatiously with their hair. Paul smiled politely at them and waited until they had moved on before shrugging.

'I prefer being single. Life is much simpler that way.'

'He also has this twisted sense of duty,' Samuel added, coming up from behind to place his arms around their shoulders. 'And therefore, would only date someone for the sake of the crown.'

'Where did you come from?' Leo asked startled.

'Doesn't matter,' Samuel answered flippantly. 'The important question here is, will our dear friend, His Royal Highness, find a date for the fourteenth?'

Paul sighed. 'Just let it go, will ya?'

'No,' Samuel stated solemnly. 'As your best friend, I am honour-bound to make sure you are not single on Valentine's Day. Just leave it to me buddy.'

Paul sighed and decided not to push the matter further. Leo however, glanced indignantly at Samuel. 'What about me?' he demanded.

'Oh, your situation is absolutely hopeless,' Samuel said brightly.


Paul patted his back sympathetically. 'At least, you can be single with Adam.'

Adam was their classmate who was infamous for his insistence on living the life of a eunuch, staunchly turning down proposals no matter who they came from. Yet when they entered the classroom, they were confronted with the sight of Adam offering a bouquet of roses to a shy brunette who nodded bashfully as she said yes, accepting the bouquet from a beaming Adam.

'I'm going to die alone,' Leo announced, slumping unceremoniously into his seat.

'Now that was surprising,' Samuel commented in amusement as he took a seat beside him.

The surprises, however, were just beginning. The bell rung and the teacher soon swept into the class with a bright smile, his bald head glinting under the fluorescent lighting.

'Alright class settle down,' he clapped his hands enthusiastically. 'Before we get started, I want to introduce you to someone. He is a new student from our exchange program and I hope you will make him feel right at home.'

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