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Samuel shifted his bow tie uncomfortably. 'I still don't understand why we had to come here tonight.'

They were standing in the foyer of the new opera house, dressed formally in dinner jackets and bow ties.

Jayden rolled his eyes at him. 'I told you my family sponsored the construction of the building and paid for the scholarship of all the performers.'

Samuel fidgeted with his cuffs. 'Still don't get why that means we should be here tonight.'

'Well, this is the grand opening of the opera house and the performers we sponsored are going to perform. My mother has turned it into a fundraiser to help educate brilliant but needy musicians. Every member of the 52 is in attendance and since we're organizing the whole thing we definitely need to be here.'

Samuel frowned. 'Doesn't mean I should be happy about it.' He pouted. 'We were supposed to have a movie night tonight.'

Jayden rolled his eyes again. 'I don't even know which is worse.'

Victoria glided through the well-dressed guests and came towards them. She was looking stunning in a sparkling midnight blue gown embroidered with diamonds. The diamond earrings in her ears glittered and shone as she smiled at them.

'Come along boys, the program is almost starting.'

She handed each of them a programme flier. 'You're in the third-row seats in front. I'm sorry you couldn't join us in our box tonight but your father and I are hosting important dignitaries. Are you going to be alright?'

Jayden nodded and grabbed his flier. Samuel smiled reassuringly at her as she gave them one last look before gliding away to mingle with the guests. They filed into the theatre with the rest of the guests and quickly found their seats.

Samuel glanced through the flier as the theatre slowly began to fill up. 'What's the show anyway?'

Jayden rolled his eyes at him. 'Sotto lo stesso cielo. That's the name of the opera. It was written and composed by Vivaldi Verdi.'

The chatter of the audience died down as the lights dimmed. The curtain rose and the orchestra started playing a low haunting tune. The opera opened with a powerful aria as the actors danced across the stage.

Samuel leaned to his side and whispered in Jayden's ear. 'What is it about?'

Jayden stared contemplatively as the scene changed. 'It's about a man who fell in love with a beautiful goddess. The goddess was cold and did not return his love. She looked down on him with contempt.'

The orchestra played a jaunty tune as the scene changed and the actors flew across the stage in a mischievous playful manner.

'The man was not discouraged. He did everything he could to gain the attention of the goddess he loved. He refused to leave her side, always accompanying her wherever she went. He gave her gifts, composed songs for her, and performed great feats in her honour.'

The scene changed and a beautiful heavyset woman stepped on the stage. The orchestra accompanied her as she sang a melodious aria. Her powerful voice swept through the entire theatre.

'As time went on, the goddess slowly became warm towards him. They became friends, close friends. They became inseparable. They did everything together and their friendship grew over time becoming so great.'

The scene changed, showing the goddess and the man playing together, hunting together, fishing together, and dancing together.

'Over time, the goddess finally fell in love with this determined man who would not give up trying. Their love was the purest and strongest love in existence. The happiness and joy they felt in each other's presence were unrivaled. They shared their joys, their fears, their hopes, and their sorrows. They completed each other.

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