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Her Royal Highness, the Lady Sylvia descended in a blaze of fury into Lumière International School.

'WHAT DO YOU MEAN MY SON IS MISSING?' she roared as she barged through the double doors into the headmistress's office.

Francesca Fontaine and Victoria Mills turned at the sudden intrusion.

'Calm yourself, your highness,' the frazzled secretary pleaded as she trailed in the wake of Paul's mother's fury.

She ignored her and marched to the headmistress's desk. 'Where is my son? How do manage to misplace a Crown Prince?'

The headmistress turned to her poor secretary. 'Thank you, I'll handle it from here.'

The secretary nodded and quickly scrambled out of the office, shutting the door behind her.

The headmistress then turned to her distraught guest. 'I'll pardon your intrusion and rudeness because I am well aware and understand fully your distress. However, let me remind you that you are the wife of the Ashanti King and mother of the future king. Carry yourself with the grace and control befitting your station.'

The fire still blazed in her ladyship's eyes but she took and a deep breath and nodded. 'Where is my son?'

Before the headmistress could answer, an argument could be heard from behind the office doors.

'What do you mean I can't just barge in, my son is missing?'

'Madam please-'

The doors swung open and Charles's mother strode in followed by a plump woman with a face which smiled easily though her face was the farthest thing from smiling as she walked in.

The harassed-looking secretary looked apologetically at the headmistress. 'I'm sorry ma'am, I tried to stop them.'

The headmistress nodded and dismissed her with a wave.

'What happened? What's going on?' Charles's mother demanded.

'What happened to my boy? Where's Noel?' the other woman pleaded frantically.

'Ladies, please calm down we-' The headmistress was cut off as the doors flew open once more to allow a weeping woman to fly in.

'My boys headmistress,' she wailed. 'Where are my lovely boys?'

'Calm down Maria, as I was just about to say we have everything under control.' She turned to the others. 'Now that you are all here, if you will please take a seat.'

She waited patiently until they had all been seated before continuing. 'As I was just telling Victoria, your children were at the hangar today after school to carry out their punishment.

'According to their companion, who was not supposed to be there, they were working when he discovered an abandoned helicopter. For some reason, they decided to board it and take off into the air for a parachuting adventure.

'As ill-advised as their decision was, they had the common sense to turn back when a fog started to roll in. However, when the craft got back, your sons were nowhere to be found.'

Maria choked and Noel's mother let out a faint gasp.

'If their pilot is to be believed,' the headmistress continued. 'It seems that they jumped off the helicopter whiles it was still in the air without his knowledge. He came to me quickly to report the incident and Mister Rand is currently with experts as they try to plot his flight path.'

The headmistress voice turned grave. 'I'm going to be honest with you, from what I gather, he doesn't know where or when exactly they got off and he flew almost the full extent of the estate and even beyond. Your children could be anywhere in the Wild Forest.'

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