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A/N: Here's a picrew a reader made of Miss Alberta. Pretty accurate, don't you think?

'Absolutely not.'

Samuel and Miss Alberta were trailing after Jayden after he had stormed off the stage. Miss Alberta was trying to convince him to accept, refusing to take no for an answer.

'But why?' she wailed. 'You'd be so perfect. The way you embodied the character, the emotions that played across your face. It's as if Juliet was written for you. You were born to play her.'

Jayden stopped and turned to face her with a disbelieving look. 'In case you haven't noticed, I'm a boy.'

'So? Back then females were always played by men because women weren't allowed on stage. We can just say we want to go all authentic and stay true to the original play.'

'No.' Jayden swung around and continued walking.


'Not happening.'

Miss Alberta's steps faltered as she watched Jayden disappear around the corner. Samuel placed a hand on her shoulder comfortingly as a crestfallen look fell over her features.

'Don't worry, I'll talk to him.'

Miss Alberta nodded dejectedly as he left to catch up with Jayden. He caught sight of him just as he rounded the fountains.

'Hey, wait up,' he called as he jogged up to him. 'Why the hurry?'

Jayden slowed down as Samuel fell into step beside him. 'You are not also going to try and convince me to take the part, are you?'

Samuel shrugged. 'Depends. Do you need convincing?'

Jayden rolled his eyes as they stepped aside for a group of students who were making their way to the Banquet Hall for dinner.

'Let me ask,' Samuel tried as they continued walking. 'Why would it be such a horrible idea for you to play Juliet?'

'Not interested.'

'I mean the way I see it, it would be a win-win. We were just talking about how we hardly spend time together. This would be a perfect way to solve that. We'll be spending a lot of time at rehearsals, doing something together while having enormous fun into the bargain.'

'Of course, you would see it as fun.'

Dusk had already fallen by the time they stepped on the winding road leading up the hill to the dormitories. The lampposts soon lit up, casting a ghostly blue glow on the path.

'I know it's not what either of us imagined but it's still a chance to spend a lot of time together,' Samuel said as they neared the house buildings. 'At least, promise me you'll think about it.'

Jayden hesitated before sighing in defeat. He gave Samuel a short nod that caused him to beam brightly in satisfaction.

'That's great. See you later then, goodnight.' He waved at Jayden before making his way to his dorm.

Jayden stared at him until he disappeared inside before making his own way to his dormitory. It had been a long day.

He noticed the stares and whispers the minute he walked into the school building the next morning. Some were trying to be subtle about it while others were openly staring and pointing.

He ignored them and made his way to his locker but Noel grew uncomfortable and asked nervously. 'Jayden, why are people staring at us?'

Jayden shrugged and turned to press his finger against the sensor, causing his locker to beep and swing open. He picked a few books from it and placed them into his bag, turning as he zipped it close to see Samuel walk down the hallway hand-in-hand with Pearl.

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