Chapter 86

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A/N: I had several mental breakdowns while writing this chapter, so I hope you enjoy it.


'So, this is it, huh?'

Jayden turned away from the window to face Leo who walked up to stand beside him. 'I suppose it is,' he said, turning back to look out the window where a crowd of reporters had gathered noisily in front of the headmistress's manor.

'You would think they would get tired of all this gossip,' Leo muttered darkly as he watched the reporters jostle each other for proximity as their chauffeurs loaded their luggage into the cars.

Noel joined them at the window and a thoughtful look appeared on his face as he watched the scene outside. 'It feels weird to be leaving, doesn't it?' he said, voicing out Jayden's thoughts.

A silent agreement drifted in the space between them as the noise from the crowd outside grew.

'Change always feels strange,' the headmistress's voice came in behind them. 'If it was familiar then it wouldn't be necessary.'

She smiled as the boys turned around to look at her. 'Are you ready to face this next chapter in your lives?'

'I don't think anyone is ever truly ready for that,' Samuel muttered as he walked in with Paul and Cam in tow. 'But I suppose we are as ready as we will ever be.'

His words earned a faint chuckle from the headmistress. 'Wise words indeed, Mr. Asamoah. Though, this is not the end of your journey as students of Lumière but rather the beginning of the end.'

'Thank you, headmistress,' Leo said solemnly. He hesitated before adding, 'Err... sorry for all the trouble my pranks caused you.'

An amused glint appeared in Francesca's eyes. 'Not at all, Mr. Ferrars. Since you are leaving, I think I can freely admit to the fact that I enjoyed your pranks tremendously. They reminded me of the ones I used to pull when I was your age. I shall miss them.'

At Leo's shocked look, she chuckled again. 'I know it's hard to think it looking at me now, but I was not always a dour sour-faced old lady.'

Leo's mouth opened and closed several times before stammering out, 'For what it's worth, I don't think anyone can call you sour-faced.'

The headmistress just smiled at his words before turning her attention to Cameron. 'I must also admit that I was very concerned about you when you first came here, Mr. Castello. You spent far too much of your time buried in your books and when you did look up, you did not seem interested in expanding your social circle beyond Mr. Ferrars. I even questioned if it was wise to leave you two together in the same house.'

As if reading Cam's mind, she added. 'Yes, I had a suspicion that you were not entirely honest when taking the test; answering the questions in such a way to ensure you end up in the same house as Mr. Ferrars. A suspicion that was solidified after observing your unhealthy attachment to him.'

Cam's ears burned bright red at being found out. 'Sorry,' he muttered weakly, avoiding his friends' eyes and Leo's incredulous expression. Noel seemed to be the only one who was aware of this piece of information if his knowing smile was anything to go by.

The headmistress's eyes twinkled brightly. 'No need to apologize. I was quite impressed by how you managed to fool the system.'

Cam's ears burned brighter but this time due to the flush of pride at the unexpected praise.

'You've done well, Mr. Castello. Not only have you discovered the joys of new companions, but you've also learned the subtle art of flexibility. Education, rules, laws; those are noble ideals, but friendship, love, family; these are what make society worth living in. I hope you remember that wherever you might end up.'

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