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A/N: Samuel in the picture above.

'Jayden, wake up else we'll be late for class!'

Jayden groaned and turned over in his bed. Noel huffed and walked over to the window. He pulled the curtains sharply open, letting in a flood of sunlight.

Jayden winced as the harsh light pierced his eyelids. He pulled the blanket over his head and snuggled deeper into the covers. He was just falling back asleep when the covers were ripped harshly from his body.

He sat up and glared at Noel who grinned sheepishly back. He sighed and got up, stretching tiredly before making his way slowly to the bathroom. Noel sighed in relief when he heard the sound of the shower running.

A few minutes later, they were making their way down the hill towards their classroom.

'I took the liberty of downloading our schedules while you were in the bathroom. I have Biology first period and you have General Knowledge in Art. We both have Maths second period so at least we'll meet before recess.'

He handed over Jayden's schedule to him and continued.

'The class venue is written beside it as well as the name of the teacher. Your class is at the old manor house and mine is at the lab complex.'

They joined a stream of students walking along the main avenue. Jayden placed his schedule in his backpack and nodded to Noel but before they could part ways, Charles and his gang accosted them.

'What are you playing at Mills?' he hissed.

Jayden scrunched up his face. 'Get out of my face Mensah. If you insist on having the breath of an ape that's no reason to make me suffer for it.'

Charles curled his hands into fists. You could almost see the steam rising from his ears.

'You... you... you-'

'I... I... I what? Just because you look like a Neanderthal gives you no excuse to have the vocabulary of one.'

Charles took a threatening step forward and Noel quickly rushed between them.

'Come on Charles, this is not necessary.'

Charles glared down at him. 'Shut up, brat. We are not on a first-name basis so do not presume to call me by mine. A pauper like you ought to know his place.'

Jayden sneered at him. 'And where's that? Last I checked, humans came before animals so it's definitely above you.'

'Look,' Noel cut in before the situation got out of hand. 'How can we help you?'

Charles shoved him roughly out of the way. 'What I want is to know why,' he said, stepping closer to Jayden. 'Why did you move him to your room? Are you sick homos gay or something?'

Jayden smirked. 'Why do you ask Charles? Jealous? Or, are you just mad that you can no longer obsess over the object of your perverted desire?'

Charles looked disgusted. 'I do not obsess over him.'

'So you say, but you are the one throwing a tantrum because he no longer sleeps in the same dorm as you. If what you say is true, you should be happy I did you a favour by removing the filthy beggar from your hair. Yet here you are.'

Charles gritted his teeth. 'You are going to regret this Mills. You should not have interfered. First, I'm going to make you watch as I destroy this beggar then I'm going to make the rest of your life a misery.'

Jayden shrugged nonchalantly. 'You have to learn how to spell it first. Here's a hint, it's s-e, not s-i.'

Charles flipped him off before storming off, his gang following hastily after him.

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