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A/N: An image of the school cafeteria above.

The cafeteria was bustling with students as Jayden and Noel made their way in. Paul had left them on the way to search for Samuel so it was just the both of them when they headed over to pick their food.

'So,' Jayden began after they had taken their seats at their usual table. 'Paul?'

Noel bit his burger and looked up at him in confusion. 'Huh?'

'You. Paul. This is now a thing?'

Noel choked on his burger. 'What?' he finally sputtered.

Jayden fixed him with an expressionless gaze.

'I don't have feelings for him.'

Jayden gazed at him for a long moment before nodding. 'Probably for the best, he's as straight as they come just really nice. Too nice in fact and besides, he is a crown prince so you really had no chance anyway.'

'Yeah, I mean he's hot and all but...' Noel trailed off.

Jayden studied him closely before finally nodding in realization. 'You like someone else,' he finished for him.

Noel stared up at him in surprise. 'How the hell did you know that?'

Jayden ignored the question. He gazed at him curiously. 'Who could it be, you don't...'

His eyes widened. His hand shot out and gripped Noel's arm tightly, pulling him close until their foreheads were only inches apart.

'Are you crazy?' he hissed.

Noel's eyes widened in surprise. 'What... I don't know what-'

'Don't even bother.' Jayden cut him off sharply. 'Of all the people, why? Why him? Why Charles?'

Noel tore himself from his grasp and leaned back in surprise. 'How did you... it doesn't matter, you're wrong. You don't know him, not like I do.'

Jayden's eyes narrowed then suddenly filled with pity. 'You love him.'

It wasn't a question. Noel shuffled and looked down, avoiding Jayden's piercing gaze.

'I...I don't. It's just a crush.'

Jayden shook his head sadly. 'No, it's more than that. I can see it in your eyes.'

Noel looked up defiantly and met Jayden's stare squarely. 'So what if it is? You don't know what I saw when I kissed him. We shared something special, we felt something. I know it and he knows it too.'

'I know him much more than you think and nothing good is going to come out of loving him.'

'You're wrong,' he whispered. 'You don't know that. You can't know that.'

Jayden let out a heavy sigh. 'For your sake, I hope you're right.'

Noel patted Jayden's arm in comfort. 'Thank you for worrying but you don't have to. I'll be fine. I know how to take care of myself. Besides, what about you?'


'Anyone you're interested in?'

Jayden cocked his head contemplatively. 'No. No, I don't think so.'

Noel smirked at him. 'Oh really? What about Samuel?'

'What about him?' Jayden replied absently.

'You and Samuel. He's always seeking your attention, maybe there could be something more.'

Jayden wrinkled his nose as if he had smelled something particular revolting. 'Definitely not. He's hot and all but he's definitely not my type and besides, he's straight.'

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