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*A/N: The picture above is an idea of how the administration block will look like.

Jayden left the Scorpius building and made his way over to the administration complex, walking past streams of students who were making their way to the dorms.

They chattered excitedly amongst themselves, laughing and fooling around as they climbed up the hill. A few cast curious looks at him as he made his way past them.

The administration complex was located near the entrance to the estate. It was therefore quite a trek but it didn't take long for Jayden to arrive before its doors.

He stood before the complex and looked up at the grand 18th-century manor house that used to be the home of Lumière's first Headmaster and founder. He had converted his manor into a school but as the school grew over the years, more and more buildings were added and the old manor house was now used as the administration complex.

It contained the offices of the Headteacher, the school governors, their assistants, prefects, teachers, and other members of staff. It also contained conference rooms, formal dining rooms, and art classrooms. Most of its rooms were empty and only the central structure and east wing were inhabited. The west wing was mainly used as a museum and the art classrooms and grand ballrooms were the only rooms frequented.

He entered the building and relaxed as the cool air-conditioned air washed softly over him. The interior of the building was extravagant in its design. Huge pillars stood along the sides, painted and decorated with gold and silver.

A large fountain stood in the centre of the reception room and behind the reception desk was a large marble staircase, that branched off at the centre leading to both the east and west wings.

Jayden walked towards the reception desk, taking his time to admire the rows of statues that depicted various myths and legends. The receptionist was busily typing when he arrived at the desk and he cleared his throat to get her attention.

She looked up at him. 'Yes, how may I assist you?'

'I'm looking for the one who is in charge of houses.'

The receptionist looked confused. 'You mean the Head of House? You can ask your house prefect for that.'

Jayden shook his head. 'Not them. The one who gets to decide which house students stay in.'

'No one decides that. It is decided by a special software. As you are aware, after admission has been granted, the school summons the applicant to undergo a series of tests. The software conducts those tests and places students in their respective houses based on the results.'

Jayden nodded. He was getting a bit frustrated. 'I know that. What I want to know is who is in charge of that programme. Who oversees the test and supervises the house staff?'

'Oh. You would be looking for the Director of House Affairs then. Her office is up the stairs to the left. When you arrive at the corridor, walk straight and look around. Her nameplate will be on one of the office doors.'

Jayden nodded and walked towards the large marble staircase. He climbed the stairs, pausing at the branch to gaze at the giant-sized portrait of the Headmistress that hang on the wall.

He shook his head and turned left. Aquilas.

He arrived at the corridor and walked along it, looking closely at the doors. He finally paused in front of an oak door which had the words, Director of House Affairs, emblazoned in silver across it.

He knocked softly and waited until he heard a soft 'enter' before entering.

The Director of House Affairs was a young woman who wore a kind expression on her face. She nodded to a chair in front of her desk and waited for Jayden to sit before she began.

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