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The dark Range Rover was an odd sight as it cruised through the slums of the capital. The inhabitants stared at it with a mixture of shock and fear as it rolled to a stop before a row of dilapidated buildings that were pressed closely together.

Suited men in dark glasses surrounded the area near the car as the chauffeur got out and held the door open.

Jayden stepped out and looked around him with a curious expression on his face. He was wearing a grey hoodie and with his custom designer shoes and jeans, he was looking more than out of place in this impoverished setting.

Noel run up to him, his face bright with excitement. 'You finally made it! I was scared you'd get lost.'

He frowned as he looked him up and down. 'I told you not to make a scene. What's with the expensive outfit, car and men?'

Jayden gave him an incredulous look. 'How is this a scene? This is the least expensive car in our fleet. Though,' here he had the grace to look sheepish. 'Sorry about the security detail, our head of security was adamant about it when he heard I was coming here.'

Noel rolled his eyes and shook his head. He placed his arm in his and dragged him forward. 'Come on, let me introduce you to my family.'

He glanced back. 'Your bodyguards would have to wait outside though.'

He pulled Jayden excitedly towards one of the buildings. 'I can't believe that you're finally visiting me in my home.'

Jayden grinned uncertainly as they crossed the chicken-filled yard and entered the building. Screams greeted his ears as they crossed the doorway. A naked toddler rushed past them, giggling as he run from the screaming girl who chased him through the house.

'That's my sister and youngest brother. He always refuses to put on clothes preferring to run around naked.'

They entered a cramped sitting room where three girls were giggling over a magazine as they sat on the threadbare couch.

'Those are my eldest sisters. They are a bit rude so don't take it personally if they ignore you.'

The girls looked up as they entered the room. They waved at him, fluttering their eyes and playing with their hair as they smiled shyly at him. Jayden gave a short hesitant wave back as Noel dragged him to the dining room.

Two teenage boys were playing video games on the table and didn't bother to look up when Noel introduced them.

'These are my younger brothers. They are last of the three sets of twins in the house. The other two would be out back. Come on.'

Noel led him through the kitchen where two women were busy cooking. They smiled at them as they passed through.

'These are my stepmoms. My father has three wives and my mom is the youngest.'

'Will your friend be staying for dinner?' one of the women asked pleasantly.

Noel glanced at Jayden who rubbed his neck in embarrassment. 'Erm... I'm not sure. I don't know. I wouldn't want to be a burden.'

'Oh, it's no burden,' the other woman said with a smile. 'We always cook a lot of food because the kids are always bringing their friends over. Please join us.'

'Thanks, Didi. He will.' Noel answered for him, dragging him from the kitchen into the backyard.

The backyard was also filled with chickens who clucked loudly as they walked through them. A goat was tethered to a post and four men were hard at work repairing the coop. Their naked torsos shone with sweat and they reached up to wipe their brows as they looked up at the newcomers.

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