Chapter 60

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Azrael let out a loud yawn as he made his way down the long hallway to his office, having just come from yet another staff meeting. The first day of the term had always been a busy one when he had been head prefect, but it was way worse as a member of staff.

He stifled another yawn as he took out his key and jostled it into the locked door. There was a soft click, and the door swung open, letting in a narrow patch of light from the hallway into the dark office.

He rubbed his face tiredly and walked towards his desk, throwing his keys down the cushioned armchair he passed. He reached over to turn the desk lamp on but paused halfway.

He smiled and instead stroked the lamp thoughtfully. 'You've never managed to successfully sneak up on me, have you?'

The door swung shut, plunging the entire room into darkness. Azrael smiled despite himself as he continued to carefully stroke the lamp.

'I expected you'll show up sooner or later though I confess, I didn't think it would be this soon.' He pulled down the lamp switch, illuminating the small pocket of space around the desk. 'Then again, you were never one to let the grass grow under your feet.'

He turned around and smiled into the darkness. 'It's nice to see you again, Jayden. It's been far too long.'

Jayden stepped forward, the faint light of the lamp throwing shadows into his face as he levelled Azrael with a frosty glare. His voice, however, was calm when he spoke.

'What are you doing here, Rutherford?'

'Straight to business? Now, is that any way to greet an old friend?'

Jayden's gaze turned even frostier. 'Do not insult me.'

Azrael's lips pulled into a small pout. 'Oh, how you wound me.' He let out a heavy sigh. 'However, for the sake of our long friendship, I'll ignore that slight.'

Jayden's jaw tightened. 'Stop playing around and answer the question. Why. Are. You. Here.'

'I think the correct question is, why are you here?' There was a teasing smile on Azrael's face as he gestured around him. 'In case you hadn't noticed, this is my office. You are the one trespassing.'

Jayden's glare intensified, causing him to laugh and raise his hands in surrender.

'Fine, fine. I'll answer your question, no need to give me that look. If you mean why did I come back to the school to teach, well the answer is very simple. I came because I wanted to give back to the school and couldn't bear the thought of leaving.'

Jayden's gaze hardened. 'The truth.'

A look of hurt flashed across Azrael's eyes. 'What do you mean the truth? Do you think I'm a liar?' he demanded in a wounded voice.

Jayden rolled his eyes again. 'Cut the crap. That little perfect innocent boy act you have going on may fool others, but it doesn't work on me.'

'You forget Rutherford,' he continued, voice dropping to a whisper as he looked dead into his eyes. 'I know exactly what you are.'

Azrael face filled with confusion as they stared at each other however, like glass cracking under pressure, the mask slowly fell from his face and a slow sinister smile spread across his lips as a malevolent glint appeared in his eyes.

'You're right,' he said in a lazy voice that could send shivers down your spine. 'You've always been able to see right through me.'

He hummed as he regarded Jayden thoughtfully. 'I should kill you for that.'

Jayden matched his gaze. 'So should I, yet we are evenly matched.'


The air seemed to still. They were at an impasse.

'Why are you here, Rutherford? What do you want?'

Their gaze broke.

'I am here as a favour to an old friend. As to what that favour is, I'm afraid I can't tell you.' He gestured emptily into the air. 'Confidences and such.'

'As to what I want.' He walked up until he was standing face-to-face with Jayden. He bent his neck forward until his lips were only an inch from his. He paused, and the air seemed to crackle with electricity.

For a time, the only sounds that could be heard were their soft breaths as it rose between them. Azrael smiled and changed his trajectory to whisper into his ear. 'I suppose we will have to wait and find out.'

There was a rush of air as he moved away. The atmosphere turned light as the playful grin appeared once more on Azrael's face.

'My, my is that the time? It really does fly when you're having fun.'

He gathered his things before walking out of the office, raising his hand behind him in a half-hearted wave. 'Don't stay too long now, it's already late. Also, do me a favour and lock the door when you are leaving. Can't be too careful these days.'

Jayden's face was expressionless as he watched his retreating figure, the wheels in his head already beginning to turn.


The next few weeks flew by for the third years. They had laughed when the headmistress had spoken about their teachers terrorizing them with their finals, but little had they realized that terrorizing had been an understatement.

Each of their teachers had begun their first class with a long-winded speech about how critical their final exams were and how imperative it was for them to not only pass, but to get a grade par excellence to uphold the sacred name of Lumière. They had impressed on them so many times that Lumière was the primus inter pares that the phrase rang in their head for days.

Even Miss Alberta, their laid-back and fun-loving teacher, had not taken it easy on them.

'I have too much at stake,' she said on their first day, her Saturn-shaped earrings moving as she spoke. 'To let you all disgrace me in your finals. Therefore, the least grade you are allowed to get in English is an A. I expect most of you, however, to have an A+.'

Will raised his hand. 'What if we get a B+?'

'Then you're dead to me.'

'You don't mean that, Miss A.' Stacey looked heartbroken.

Miss Alberta sighed and rubbed her face. 'You're right, I don't. However, though I might not care what grade you get, I do care about the work you put in. I won't be able to live with myself if I don't get you to reach your full potential. So starting this week, it's full steam ahead.'

'Does that mean no more story time?' Henry asked.

Miss Alberta hesitated. 'Maybe just once a week.'

'What about naptime?' Jason inquired.

'You can sleep when you're dead,' Miss Alberta stated firmly, but at the look on Jason's face, she relented. 'Fine, but only for half an hour.'

'Can we still have Friday class games?' John asked, spinning his basketball in his hand excitedly.

Miss Alberta gave him a look. 'Do you all think this a joke? I'm trying to get you into good colleges and that's what you can think about.'

'But it's class games,' John whined and the rest of the class murmured in agreement.

Miss Alberta shook her head in exasperation. 'I spoil y'all too much. Fine, we can have class games, and before you ask Lucy, yes, we can have the talent show as well, but only if you all promise to work extra hard. Even if you don't want to go to a good college, I still need my bonus because half of you still come to my house for free food. Isn't that right, William?'

Will grinned sheepishly. 'You know you love it when we visit you Miss A.'

Miss Alberta looked unimpressed. 'I'll love it more if you work hard. So do you promise?'

'We promise, Miss A,' the class chorused.

Miss Alberta shook her head again but this time with fondness. She turned to the board and began the class.

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