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A/N: Here's a picrew of Samuel's mother, Dr. Sandra Asamoah.

For the millionth time that week, Samuel appreciated just how good Jayden was at not being found if he didn't want to be. It was two weeks after the play and Samuel had been trying everything to talk to Jayden but no matter how hard he tried to corner Jayden and force him to talk, Jayden always disappeared before he had the chance.

The irony of the situation wasn't lost on him. Just a few weeks ago, he had been the one avoiding Jayden but now he was the one being avoided. The only difference was, Jayden was far better at it than he could have ever been.

In the few classes they had together, Jayden was always the last to enter the classroom, coming in right after the teacher and sitting far away from him, destroying any chance to talk to him during class. He was also the first to leave after class ended, disappearing out the door even before the bell rang. Samuel barely had the chance to get out of his seat and when he finally did and run out, there was no sign of Jayden anywhere.

It was the same outside the classroom as well. Anytime he caught sight of Jayden in the corridors, he would run after him but Jayden always managed to disappear before he got near, leaving no sign of the direction he went in either.

It was completely maddening and asking anyone didn't seem to help either. No one knew where Jayden was not even Noel. He had even tried waiting for Jayden in his room but Jayden never showed up, no matter how long he waited up. Whenever he woke up though, he always found a blanket wrapped around him and Jayden's lingering sweet scent in the air.

Things were awkward within their group as well between Leo and Cam. Every time they were together, Leo chose to keep his eyes anywhere but on his friend, and when anyone tried to ask him about it, he would just mumble something awkwardly before making up an excuse to leave.

It seemed that Paul and Noel were the only ones unaffected. Noel, however, had been preoccupied lately with cello practice therefore between Jayden's disappearances, Samuel's quest to hunt him down, Cam and Leo's awkwardness, and Noel's lessons, the six friends hardly spent any time together.

It was the end of the week when they finally managed to meet on the football field. Cam and Noel were sitting up on the bleachers as they watched the practice match below.

Cam winced as a couple of guys shoved themselves into each other and toppled onto the ground.

'Let me get this straight, so this is basically just a bunch of guys plowing into each other and tackling themselves to the ground?'

Noel shrugged. 'Sounds about right.'

Cam grimaced as two boys crashed hard into each other. 'What's the point?'

'Apparently, they find running into each other fun. I guess it has something to do with too much testosterone and a fragile male ego.'

Cam shook his head. 'Boys are weird. Why the hell are we attracted to them?'

Noel shrugged again. 'Who knows, probably because we find the sight of boys in uniforms unbearably hot.'

Cam sighed. 'Life would be so much easier if we weren't attracted to them.'

Noel glanced at him. 'You're talking about you and Leo, aren't you? What happened between you guys?'

Cam looked down. 'I might have kissed him.'

Noel sat up and stared at him in surprise. 'You what?'

'I kissed him,' Cam mumbled.

Noel blinked several times as he processed this information. 'Wow, okay. What happened to not doing anything about your feelings?'

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