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The two stood up from behind the statue sheepishly and turned to face her. She fixed both of them with a searching gaze.

'Care to explain what you two are doing here, outside of school premises?'

Samuel gave her an impish grin. 'Would you believe me if I told you we had permission to come explore the city for geography class?'

Miss Alberta quirked an eyebrow.

'Right, sorry.' Samuel looked down sheepishly.

She shook her head. 'Amateurs, if you're sneaking out of school you need to remove your school uniforms. They are dead giveaways.'

Jayden gave her a searching look. 'Are you supposed to be teaching us how to break the rules?

Miss Alberta looked a bit flustered. 'Oh... yes, right.' She cleared her throat. 'Anyway what do you both have to say for yourselves?'

Jayden continued to stare at her curiously. 'What do you have to say for yourself. If memory serves me correctly, your class with the first years ended two minutes ago. Judging by the state of your glass of wine you have been here for about half an hour.'

Miss Alberta looked a bit caught of guard. 'Well-'

'Oh,' Jayden cut in with an amused grin. 'I think your date is finally here.'

They turned to see Coach Asiamah walking up to the table where Miss Alberta had previously sat with a bouquet of lilies in his hands. He looked at the empty table in confusion before pulling a chair and sitting down.

Samuel's face was a mixture of disgust and horror as he turned back to her. 'Coach Asiamah? Really? That man is a cruel and sadistic bully. Not to mention a misogynistic pig.'

Miss Alberta gave a short embarrassed laugh. 'Well, no one is perfect and maybe I could be a good influence on him. He is a real teddy bear when you get to know him, real sweet and erm.... oh shut up. Don't judge me.'

Samuel looked even more horrified. 'Oh, I'm judging. A lot.'

Miss Alberta cleared her throat. 'Doesn't excuse you from sneaking out of school.'

Samuel winced. 'Sorry?'

She considered them for a while before sighing. 'Oh, very well. I suppose we were all young once. Look, right now I'm alone in my office grading papers whiles sipping a cup of hot cocoa. You two are in fourth period taking notes and paying attention to the teacher like the good students you are. I didn't see you, you didn't see me.'

Samuel frowned in confusion. 'What do you-'

'I didn't see you, you didn't see me,' Miss Alberta repeated with a blank face looking firmly behind them.

Samuel and Jayden glanced at each other unsurely.

'Oh what a marvellous statue,' Miss Alberta muttered to herself, completely ignoring their presence. 'Such a wonderful depiction of the Graeco-Roman age done in the true style of romantic idealism. I better take a picture for my class.'

'Thanks, Miss A. You're the best!' Samuel threw over his shoulder as he grabbed Jayden's arm and led them both out of the mall.

Miss Alberta did not respond but there was a twinkle in her eye as she gave them a surreptitious wink.

'That was a close shave,' Samuel muttered when they were well away from the mall. 'Anyway, where should we go next?'

Jayden shrugged. Samuel got distracted by a group of street magicians and he tugged Jayden's arm to draw his attention.

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