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A/N: For the full immersive experience it is recommended that you listen to the music whenever you get to the lyrics in the book :). The recommended  songs can be found in the author's note at the end of the chapter. *****************************************

Christmas carols drifted through the still clear air as Samuel and Jayden walked through the city. The sidewalks were full of late Christmas shoppers rushing to get the last items on their lists and families enjoying the beautiful night.

There was a general feel of Christmas cheer and goodwill in the air. Drivers hollered out Christmas greetings to one another as they drove past. Street Santas laughed their jolly laugh as they rang their little bells. They passed by a group of carol singers who smiled and waved at them before bursting into a new song.

'God rest ye merry gentlemen

Let nothing you dismay

Remember Christ our Saviour

Was born on Christmas Day

To save us all from Satan's pow'r

When we were gone astray

Oh tidings of comfort and joy

Comfort and joy

Oh tidings of comfort and joy...'

They moved past the carollers and continued on their way, going nowhere in particular. A group of children ran past, giggling as they shouted at one another. Samuel's eyes were bright as they followed them till they disappeared around the corner.

A chilly breeze blew past and Samuel noticed the homeless man shivering in the corner. He frowned and leaving Jayden, walked up to him. The man flinched, shrinking back as he came nearer to him.

'Don't be afraid, I'm not going to hurt you,' Samuel's voice was gentle as he bent his knees down, crouching in front of him. 'Here take this.'

He removed his tux and draped it over the man's shoulders. The man's bony fingers clasped the edges of the jacket gratefully and stared up at Samuel as if he had seen an angel.

Samuel's face was warm and gentle as he smiled down at the man. 'When did you last eat?'

The man shook his head nervously causing a small frown to appear on Samuel's face. He reached down to unclasp his diamond-studded watch and handed it over to him with an earnest look on his face.

'I don't have enough money on me but this should be enough to feed you for a month or two.'

The man's eyes became as wide as saucers as he hesitantly took the watch. 'Thank you, thank you so much,' he rasped in a thin voice.

'Don't thank me, really. No one deserves to be like this on Christmas. My family set up a shelter a couple of blocks away from here. You would get a warm bed to sleep in for as long as you like. If anyone gives you problems just tell them that Sam sent you.'

Tears began to flow down the man's face. 'I don't know what to say.'

Samuel gently used the pads of his thumbs to clean the man's tears. 'Then don't say anything. Can you walk, or do you need me to help you?'

The man nodded and stood shakily to his feet. Samuel frowned when he noticed the man's threadbare shoes. There was a thrift store a few stores back and he quickly left the man, returning with some old shoes.

He removed his designer shoes and gave them to the man, crouching to tie the shoelaces for him before placing his own stockinged feet into the shoes he had just purchased.

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