Chapter 78

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Valentina was dressed in a flowery pale yellow chiffon as she sat in her parent's private box. Her gaze was indecipherable as it swept leisurely over the bustling crowd below.

The announcer was reading out the list of the next competitors as the horses ambled up the track.

She looked up as Azrael walked in. 'You're late.'

'And you are as ravishing as ever,' Azrael stated, reaching down to place a fond kiss on her cheek.

'Naturally,' Valentina responded as Azrael sat in the empty chair across her.

She waved an arm and a waiter appeared with a glass of cool lemonade.

'Where have you been?'

Azrael shrugged. 'Here and there. Someone has to keep an eye on your little pawn.'

Valentina gave him an irritated look. 'Do you ever tire of poking your nose where it doesn't belong?'

'What can I say, I'm far too nosey for my own good.' He picked up the glass and twirled it absently in his hand. 'So far, things are going exactly as you planned. I do, however, have one small question.'

'Of course, you do.'

'You never did tell me how you happened upon such a fortuitous aperture.'

Valentina smirked. 'I like to think it was destiny. It was almost midnight and by chance, I had stayed behind to finish up some schoolwork. It was getting late so I finished up quickly and was walking down the halls on the way back to my dorm when I heard a sound coming from the girls' bathroom. I was a little spooked because who would be here at such an hour, but my curiosity overtook me and I went closer to investigate.

'The closer I got, the more clearly I could make out the sound. Someone was crying. The crying abruptly stopped and retching sounds suddenly filled the air. There was a flush and the crying resumed. My interest was now sufficiently aroused and I opened the door and walked in.

'In the farthest stall, who do I find curled up on the floor but Pearl. I walked up to her and as gently as I could, I asked her what was wrong. It took a bit of cajoling and wheedling to draw out the truth from the blubbering mess of tears, snot, and vomit and my, was it worth it. The foolish girl had gotten herself pregnant.

'Of course, my interest waned after I slated my curiosity and I started to leave but before I did, I had the presence of mind to ask who the father was. She clammed up immediately and I had to employ more aggressive tactics to pull the name from the insensible girl. You could imagine how my interest flared right back when she told me that the father was none other than the lover of my erstwhile fiancé.'

Valentina sighed at the memory. 'I wanted to hug her right there and then. I actually did hug her too. I pulled her close and whispered soothing words of comfort as the beginnings of a plan began to form in my mind. She was desperate and alone which made it extremely easy for me to wrap her around my finger. She needed a friend and "sweet dear Valentina" was there to be the friend she never had.'

She let out a scornful laugh. 'What an idiot. Of course, it wasn't all smooth sailing. Imagine my alarm when I found out that the silly girl was planning to abort the child. No amount of persuasion would get her to change her mind so drastic measures were called for. I sent an anonymous message to her parents and they put a stop to it at once.'

Her lips lifted at the thought. 'They love me, you know. All I had to do was throw on a veil, go to church a few times, and speak out against the moral decadence the world has descended into, and all of a sudden, I was the saint who was going to guide their wayward daughter back to the light.

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