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It was a cold Monday morning in late November. The atmosphere was dry with lack of moisture and the hazy mist that usually accompanied the dry season had sunk over the school, capturing it in its thrall.

It had been exactly a month after the interhouse competitions. To everyone's surprise, Lepus had won the House Cup and now, a month later, the celebrations had died down and everyone had finally gotten off the high that usually accompanies the event.

The cracked lips and dry weather were not the only things that had brought down the spirits of the students of Lumière International High School. End of term exams were fast approaching and both students and teachers had thrown themselves into last-minute preparations and revisions.

Noel was in a particularly foul mood in the days leading to the exams. He was always surrounded by huge books and shot a deadly glare at anyone who dared to disturb him.

Samuel was not left out of the examination frenzy. He was always holed up in the library trying to cram definitions and diagrams into his head and he could be caught muttering definitions and theories as he walked, pausing occasionally to check and cross-check his answers.

In fact, out of everyone in the school, Jayden was the only one who seemed completely immune from this examination fever. He continued to walk the campus as he always did, with his hands stuck firmly in his hoodie and a scowl at anyone who tried to approach him. He was never found with any book and whenever Noel tried to broach the subject with him, he always dismissed it with a shrug.

All in all, everyone was glad when the final weeks of exams rolled around and when they finally finished their last paper on Friday, nothing could match the joy and excitement of the students of Lumière.

'Finally, no more examinations!' Samuel hollered excitedly as he made his way out of the examination hall. 'I'm finally free! Free! FREE!'

He cackled excitedly. 'Free to try crazy things, free from endless exams, free to fly, free to sing and to play all day long!'

Paul cast him a strange look. 'Was that a Barbie reference? What are you doing watching Barbie at this age? Plus, you're a guy!'

'So what?' Samuel threw back defiantly. 'Barbie was my childhood and it ain't going anywhere.' He suddenly paused. 'Hold on, how do you know it's a Barbie reference?' He threw him a suspicious glance. 'You have a few confessions to make buddy.'

Paul rolled his eyes at him and Samuel slung his arm over his shoulder as he burst into laughter.

On the other side, Noel and Jayden were just making their way out of the hall with other students.

'I should have answered question twelve. Why didn't I answer question twelve?' Noel was worrying his hands as he spoke. 'But then question thirteen was more complex and I thought it highlighted my particular knowledge. But then question eleven was also interesting though simple. Then there was question fourteen-.'

'Okay,' Jayden cut him off, grabbing his fluttering hands to keep them still. 'It's done. Stop worrying.'

Noel bit his lip, still looking unsure. 'What about you? Which questions did you answer?'

Jayden let go of his hands. 'All of them.'

Noel looked at him in surprise. 'All of them? Why?'

Jayden shrugged. 'I had time. Why didn't you? I thought that's what you would have done.'

Noel pursed his lips. 'I did do that in the previous exams and was going to do it today but then I thought it would come off as a bit know-it-ally so I didn't.'

He glanced up at Jayden. 'I should have, shouldn't I? I knew it why didn't I-.'

'Noel,' Jayden broke in again. 'Let it go.'

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