Chapter 91

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Paul's heart was racing lightly as he followed his father down the hallway. What could his father possibly want to talk to him about? He could feel his pulse quicken as several likely answers presented themselves in his head, but there was no way his father could have found out about that, so it must be something else.

Whatever it was, it was bound to be grave if it brought his father all the way here. He was burning with curiosity, but he knew better than to ask his father any questions.

Kings don't explain themselves.

His father's words rang loudly in his head, so he bowed his head and followed mutely behind.

Stand up straight. You are a prince of the blood!

His mother's voice appeared in his head, and he immediately corrected his posture. He could feel the eyes of the people around him, and whispers followed them as they passed through the waiting room.

His father walked into an office without bothering to knock and Paul was right behind him to see the owner's features quickly morph from affront to deference.

'Your Majesty, this is an honour I....'

'We require the use of your office and hope to prevail upon your good nature to accommodate us.'

It sounded like a request but everyone in that room knew it to be an order. Paul felt a faint flush of embarrassment as the owner descended into obsequiousness.

'Of course, sir. It would be my pleasure. If there is anything else I can do, anything at all... Shall ring for some tea? Coffee perhaps?'

'That will be all, thank you.'

The owner bowed low at the clear dismissal. 'Your Majesty. Your Highness.'

Paul averted his eyes in embarrassment as the owner bowed at him as well before leaving.

Eyes forward! We are royalty, we do not shy away from what we are due.

His grandmother's voice scolded him sharply in his head. He fixed his gaze forward and watched as his father settled himself at the head of the desk, effectively taking over the office.

'Take a seat.'

Paul was immediately transported to all the times he had been called into his father's office as a child. There weren't many because his father had been far too busy to deal with a troublesome child, so the discipline had been left to his mother.

Everything had been left to his mother.

His father had always been a larger-than-life figure to him, and the few times when he had done something serious enough to warrant his personal attention, he would be summoned to his office and the meeting that would ensue were always the most unpleasant moments of his life.

That isn't to say his father had been abusive. Indeed, in all of Paul's life, he had never heard him raise his voice once. He didn't need to. All he would do was lecture Paul in that calm and composed way of his and the disappointment in his voice was more than enough to ensure that whatever got Paul sent to his office would never be repeated.

Paul supposed that was why he never acted out despite how much he craved his father's attention. He would have succeeded in getting his attention, but the ensuing disappointment would have crushed him.

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