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He snuck into his dorm after finally managing to lose that chatterbox. He made his way to his room, walking past his new roommate who was currently engaged in a heartfelt farewell with his parents.

Plopping onto the bed, he lay down and stared absently at the ocean blue ceiling. He reached into his jeans pocket and pulled out an mp3 player. Sticking his earpiece in, he let his thoughts drown in the music.

For a long time now, music had been his source of therapy. It had been a way for him to escape the dark thoughts and let out all the frustration and pent-up rage that always threatened to drown him in a never-ending spiral of hopelessness and depression.

He let the music carry him away. He felt himself floating on the notes as all his troubles and anxieties sunk away. His mind, always a whirlpool of destruction finally became still, resembling an ocean of peace and tranquility.

A sharp knock burst his bubble of peace, dragging him sharply down to reality. He frowned and walked towards the door, swinging it open to see his roommate standing nervously behind it.

He stared at him expectantly, but his roommate just stared right back. His roommate bit his bottom lip in nervousness, which just seemed to make his freckles stand out more sharply against his pale skin.

Jayden scowled at him. 'What?'

Freckleface winced at his harsh unfriendly tone and stuttered nervously, 'They are calling all of us down unto the common lawn.'

Jayden nodded silently and followed him out of their shared dorm. They joined the stream of students making their way out of the building and after a bit of jostling and shoving, managed to make it out onto the manicured lawn.

The four buildings, which housed the four houses, stood like sentries at the four corners of their shared lawn, hence its name, Common Lawn. Standing at the centre of the lawn was a senior with a prefect's sash across his chest.

He waited patiently for everyone to gather around before speaking. 'All first-years are expected to move to the auditorium immediately. The Headmistress wishes to address all of you.'

He turned and made his way down the hill. 'Come along now, no pushing.'

Despite his instructions, there was a bit of pushing as they followed him down the hill. It was shortly after six o'clock and the sky was already tinted an inky black. The broad path was lined with evergreens and as they walked, the sound of crickets began to fill the air.

It took them quite a while to arrive at the auditorium. The auditorium was quite large and a bit grandiose. Portraits lined the walls and hanging high above were three large chandeliers, which cast a brilliant golden light down the room. Prefects and staff stood along the walls like silent sentries in an attempt to maintain order.

The new first years whispered excitedly as they took their seats. They glanced about them in awe though quite frankly, one couldn't see what all the fuss was about. Judging from their backgrounds, they had almost certainly seen grander settings.

Wearing his usual look of blank indifference, Jayden took a seat somewhere in the middle and waited impatiently for the whole thing to be over. He didn't have long to wait.

A stern, elderly woman with an imposing stature stepped onto the stage and walked with purposeful strides up to the podium. Her grey hair was tied sternly into a tight french twist and a pair of half-moon spectacles sat grimly on her narrow nose.

An air of stern unwavering authority surrounded her and with just one sweep of her eyes, the entire auditorium fell silent.

'Welcome to Lumière International High School. I am your Headmistress, Francesca Fontaine. Throughout, your stay, this school would be your home and your house, your family.

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