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A/N: Here's an aesthetic of the ball with Victoria looking as resplendent as ever in her gown.

The weeks passed by quickly after the games, rolling over each other. End-of-term exams came and went and before long, the Christmas vacations were here again. It was the night before Christmas when all through the house, everything was definitely stirring.

Christmas in the Tetteh household was anything but quiet. Pots banged, pans clattered, the twins argued, the children yelled, and the baby screamed, creating such a ruckus that no one heard the sharp urgent knocks on the door.

The knocks repeated several times, growing louder and louder in frequency until one of the mothers heard it and screamed at the twins to get the door. The poor light of the porch shrouded the figure behind the door in darkness making it difficult to make them out as they waited impatiently in the chilly night.

Panyin swung the door open and the warm inviting light of the house illuminated the lone figure on the porch. He fixed the suited stranger with a polite frown as he stared expectantly up at him.

'Can we help you?'

The stranger stomped his feet in the cold and nodded crisply. 'Does a Noel Tetteh live here?'

Panyin's gaze sharpened suspiciously as his frown deepened. 'Who wants to know?'

'I have an invitation for him.'

Panyin considered him for a moment before turning his head to shout, 'Noel!'

He continued to stand protectively by the door as Noel came in from the kitchen where he had been helping the mothers with the Christmas Eve dinner.

The man in suit regarded Noel carefully. 'Are you Noel Tetteh?'

Noel nodded hesitantly, glancing from him to Panyin.

The man pulled out a glossy invitation from his suit pocket and handed it to him. 'The young master requests your presence at his family's Christmas Eve ball hosted at Mills Manor.'

Noel took the invitation and studied the elegant writing with surprise on his face. 'Now?'

'There's not a minute to lose. The ball has already begun.'

Noel blinked. 'But I... erm, but I don't have anything to wear.'

The man nodded to the limo parked in the street behind him. 'The young master has already arranged for everything.'

Noel stuttered as he glanced at Panyin in confusion. Panyin smiled reassuringly at him.

'What are you waiting for Cinderella? Your coach awaits.'

Noel hesitated. 'What about mum and dad? They would-'

'I would talk to them,' Panyin stated firmly as he shoved him out the door. 'Now go dance with your prince and I don't want to see you back before midnight.'

Noel gave him a shaky smile and followed the man in suit to the waiting limo, sliding in as he held the door open for him. The limo sped off, stopping first at a hotel where he changed into a tuxedo before continuing to the ball.

Mills Manor was a blaze of lights as luxury cars rolled up the winding driveway. Limousines stretched as far as the eyes could see, depositing its elegantly dressed occupants at the entrance before moving on to the parking area.

Noel stepped out of the limo as a smartly dressed footman held the door open for him. There was a flash of cameras as he walked up the red carpet and he looked around him in awe as he was guided into the large palatial residence. A butler halted him at the top of the gold-banistered marble staircase.

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