Chapter 88

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A/N: This song was playing on loop whiles writing this chapter. Make of that what you will :)


He had scheduled his escape for the days following his exams. His father may not think he deserved to complete his high school education, but he understood the importance of a degree and his father's actions just fueled his determination to pass. If for nothing else than to spite him.

The plan was simple. The manor was always in a state of heightened security whenever both his parents were in residence, not least because of the additional presence of their respective security teams, so his great escape would have to take place when both his parents were away.

This premise sounded simple in theory; however, the reality was farther from that. Ever since his confinement there had rarely been a time when both his parents were absent from the manor at the same time.

He had briefly flirted with the idea of escaping when just one of them was home but had quickly discarded the notion. It would have been the height of stupidity to allow his impatience to foil his plans and that road was riddled with no end of complications. The first, choosing which parent to escape under.

His mother was immediately out of the question. As much as he hated to admit it, Victoria Mills was no fool and she would have sniffed an escape plan from miles away.

Under normal circumstances, his father would have been the ideal target, but his behaviour had been growing increasingly erratic and he was not keen to find out what would happen to him if he was caught without his mother there to defuse the situation.


They both had to be away for his plan to work. In the meantime, he would bide his time and lull his captors into a false sense of security so when he finally struck, it would catch them with their pants below their knees or however that saying goes, which coincidentally, the second part of his plan also hinged on.

Embodying the "when the cat is away the mice would play" philosophy, whenever his parents were away, the manor staff underwent a complete transformation, shifting into a more relaxed, laid-back atmosphere. In other words, the perfect time to spring an escape.

Cissy, marvelous as she was, got him all the information he needed and together they were able to come up with an acceptable route of escape.

His plan was in three tiers. The first; "Distraction."

The moment his parents were away, a fire would suddenly break out on the grounds of the estate, specifically the south side of the gardens. It wasn't the most ideal place, but he had been feeling particularly spiteful when he came up with it, so his mother's prized petunias it was.

While the staff were occupied with the sudden flames, the second tier would be initiated.


He had told Cissy where to find the electrical room and fortunately, the password to the doors had not been changed. In exactly fifteen minutes after the fire alarm went off, she would pull the circuit breakers, cutting off power to the entire east wing of the manor.

He had debated about cutting off power to the whole manor but that would have drawn far too much attention. One part of the house would do and would give him enough time to initiate the final tier.


The fire served as more than a distraction. It was also a beacon to summon his getaway car. For all his clever schemes, the manor's security team weren't useless. By then, they would have noticed he was missing, and escaping would no longer be as simple as strolling out the gates.

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