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One week passed since that race against the two and Renjun had to agree with the fact that his life changed drastically in just few days. He won that night, of course, which angered Jaemin more, because the two became deadly enemies in the campus. But his attitude didn't bother Renjun that much, because the blonde male tried to ignore the younger as much as he could so that they won't start fights in the middle of the hallway. 

Just as usual, that morning Renjun parked the Ferrari next to to Yangyang's shining blue sport car. People already started recognizing him as the guy who won three races in a week and the attention he was receiving on the corridors made him remember about his past life. He would have showed a proud smile if it wasn't for his family, who still had faith in him after all that happened.  It was his fault his parents divorced and had to pay the police so he won't be charged after he'll wake up, which kind of hurt Renjun's feelings because neither Kun nor his mom told him about that. He had to find out on his own. 

"What are you thinking about?" A familiar voice asked from behind and when Ten wrapped his arm around his shoulder, Renjun ignored his thoughts. A small smile formed his lips as he wrapped his own arm around the older guy's slim waist. 

"I'm thinking of school." 

Ten scoffed and laughed loudly after. "Please!" He pushed him jokingly and proceed to ruffle the younger guy's hair. "You hate school, but I can guess the right answer. Cars and how to beat Jaemin's ass." 

A chuckle left his throat. 

"You got it right." He expected Ten to reply, but when he glanced at the older, he realized that Ten was no longer smiling but instead, he had a serious look plastered on his face which made the blonde male sigh in annoyance. Not again, he thought as he cleared his throat. "I know, I know, I don't plan on befriending any of them." 

"I no longer care about that because I know you won't listen to me even if I try my best to convince you. I'm worried again, that's all because you started just like this few years ago." 

Renjun nodded, while the image of the burning driver came back. It still sent him shivers down his spine and made him have nightmares, but he tried his best to overcome that trauma. 

"It won't end like that. Back then I was a rich teenager who didn't know anything about this world that's why I got myself into that shitty accident. Now I know how to deal with this." 

Ten sighed and ruffled his hair again. "I believe you then." 

"When do you finish classes? Maybe we can hang out after." Renjun stopped in front of the door of his next class and  waited for Ten to reply. 

"Four if I remember correctly. Yours finish at two right?" 

"Yeah, but I can wait for you two hours. I can study a bit in the library." 

"Awww, you would wait for me? How sweet of you." Ten chuckled and turned around on his heel. "See you after four then!" He waved his pale hand in the air as he disappeared on the staircase. 

Sighing a bit, Renjun looked in the reflection from his phone's screen and did his hair that was in all directions because of the older. He was about to step inside when someone from behind, with a cologne he already knew too well, bumped roughly into him, making the older stumble. An annoyed chuckle left his throat as he grabbed Jaemin's wrist with force, which stopped the taller. 

"Are we being an attention seeker now?" The raven haired young man smirked and pulled away from him. "What now?" 

"Have some manners first and I won't behave like this." His response made the younger roll his eyes and roughly pin Renjun by the wall next to the entrance, making the few students that were already seated at their desks, look at them. "People are watching." The blonde male hissed and tried to push the taller away, but Jaemin was stronger and angrier.  

"Do I look like I give a fuck?" The raven haired male almost growled at him. He glanced behind at the class and backed away from Renjun, not forgetting to push him once more. "Did you enjoy the show that much that you're frozen or what?" He raised his voice, making the others look away. "That's what I thought as well." He then looked one more time at Renjun before going to his seat. 

Taking a deep breath so he could calm himself too, Renjun went to his seat as well, which was right in front of Jaemin, but luckily, Donghyuck and Mark appeared and saved the day. For almost three hours he had to try and stay focused in class, because of the two best friends from behind. 

When the day was finally over, Renjun stretched his arms above his head and sighed loudly. Now he had to wait two more hours for Ten to finish his classes as well, so he left the main building and started making his way to the library which was in the second yard. 

For some reason, the campus was empty at that hour, a bit too empty. There were only few cars except his, but what got his attention were the four black SUV's that were parked right at the base of the stairs.  Was there someone important visiting the university that he or she needed such protection? Renjun frowned a bit when he walked past one of the SUV's and was taken aback when a strong grip stopped him. 

"Are you Huang Renjun?" The tall bodyguard asked in a deep voice when the blonde turned around and nodded, not knowing what else to do. 

"Is there a problem?" 

"Not at all. Come with me." The man replied and wiped some invisible dust from his coat, making a golden badge shine in the sunlight. His eyes widened when he recognized the initials that were written on it, which made him back away. 

"I-I can't s-sorry." Renjun stuttered and kept on backing away from the man. "Have a nice day." Bowing, he turned around on his heels and was about to walk away when the sound of doors that were being opened rang in his ears. "Fuck..." He whispered and glanced behind. 

"Mister Huang, please enter the car." The same man spoke. 

"C-Can't we reschedule?"   

"Master doesn't accept such things." Another bodyguard said and stepped forward, only making Renjun back away. "Get him." When he snapped his fingers, the other three who exited another SUV started approaching him. 


Renjun started running away, out of that yard, hoping he could reach the library and get lost inside it.  How could he be so unlucky that he had to bump right into Mr. Na's men? Then another thought hit him in his brain. How could he be so blind that Jaemin's name didn't sound familiar at all? 

He kept on glancing behind as he jumped the stairs and pushed the heavy metallic door of the library. While running, he bumped into some students that cursed at him, but he had no time to apologize.   

"Hey get back here!" One of those men shouted which made Renjun stumble. He made the mistake to look behind, which caused those bodyguards to approach him quicker than he thought. "Got you." The man who spoke before grabbed his arm. 

"Let go of me!" Renjun tried to push himself away from the man, but he was stronger. He really should have worked out more because he was too weak to even fight. "You bastard let go." 

"Make him sleep." He told one of his coworkers who nodded and took out a cloth. 

Renjun looked around, hoping that someone could see them, but of course, because he was so lucky he decided to run right to the emergency exit, where no one would wander at all. He didn't have time at all to react more as someone covered his mouth with the nice smelling cloth that sent him to his dreams in few seconds.       

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