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"W-Wait!" Renjun pushed his way through people, so he could finally get the chance to grab the taller by his wrist. Jaemin stopped and slowly turned around, his dark eyes landing on his face. "H-How?" 

The raven haired male chuckled and roughly pulled his hand out of his held. An annoyed sigh escaped his pink and soft looking lips while he ran a hand through his black hair that had  different colors in it due to the street lamps that illuminated the exterior and the road. 

"I only found out recently, but believe it or not, there was a time when I wanted to meet you so badly. Because of you I started driving and competing to races so that one day I could beat you and now when I finally became the king here, in this field, you had to appear again." Despite the smile that was forming his lips, Jaemin looked really angry. "But don't worry, I won't let you get the title back. Also, I think that accident changed you because from what I remember, you were a cold hearted jerk." 

"Why are you like this?" Renjun decided to ask back, because he felt like the way Jaemin was acting was already pathetic enough and just his luck, a small group was already looking at them with curiosity. "Is it because you're jealous even though you don't have a reason to be? It makes no sense honestly, because I think everyone has the chance to win at least once and if you think that only winning is important in this life, then you're either too stupid or you're just selfish." The blonde male found his fists clenching because of the anger that he was feeling in his body, but he tried to calm down as quick as he could because if he got angry too then this small scene would end with a fight. "Look, I don't want to be rude or anything, but we're humans, so it's in our nature to lose one day don't you think so?" 

"Tsk... Whatever." Jaemin turned around, so that his back was facing the older and started walking away from him. This time, Renjun didn't follow him again. 

Taking a deep breath, Renjun was about to go to his car when someone else caught his attention. It was Jeno, who saw the whole scene from his car. He didn't seem that surprised by how his friend acted, because he was already used with Jaemin's drama after so many years of knowing that guy. They held the eyes contact few moments, until the brunette softly raised his hand an signed Renjun to come closer. The blonde male didn't forget to sigh while he approached the younger and when he reached him, he dried to look as mad as he could. Still, Jeno's charming and soft smile didn't allow Renjun to act like that too much, which kind of annoyed him a bit. He shouldn't be like this in front of a flirt like Jeno. 

"What?" The older asked and crossed his arms over his chest. 

"I already know what he said to you since we had a similar conversation earlier, but don't mind him, he's in a dark place nowadays." As he said that, the brunette glanced at where Jaemin was standing and talking to his phone. He looked as if he was trying his best not to yell in the middle of that crowd. "It's his dad you see. I shouldn't know this either, but I overheard one of his conversations." Jeno grabbed Renjun's chin so that the older would look him in the eyes. The taller also leaned forward and his lips softly touched Renjun's ear, which sent him shivers down his spine. "Apparently, he wants you back in business." The brunette then backed away and smirked.    

"What?" Renjun's eyes widened as he backed away from the taller. He then looked back at Jaemin, who was done talking to the phone and he was angrily making his way towards the two. 

"You're here again?" He sighed in frustration and leaned by Jeno's car. "Are you trying to steal him or something because I would like to know from the start so I won't interfere." 

"Hey, let's stop being mean okay?" The brunette wrapped his muscular arm around Jaemin's shoulders. "What we should do now is to go to our cars because our race is next. Also, your friend there looks annoyed." He pointed somewhere behind Renjun and when he turned around, his heart almost stopped when he saw Ten coming towards them. "Looks like you're a bit dead." 

Renjun wanted to say something, but he didn't have the chance when Ten suddenly pulled him away and started dragging him back to the group. 

"How stupid do you think I am?" The older hissed and tightened the grip around his arm which made Renjun yelp a bit. "Answer me." 

"I don't think you're stupid. Just a bit overprotective maybe."   

"Do not give me that look." Ten glared at him when the younger tried his best to look as innocent as he could. "What did I just tell you?" 

"To not talk to them." 

"And what did you do?" Renjun rolled his eyes, making Ten slap his shoulder. "You did just the opposite! You had your chance Renjun, I'll have to stop you." 

"Wait wait wait." The blonde young man stopped next to his red car. "I didn't do it on purpose, you have to understand that. I bumped into them because I wasn't attention to my surroundings." 

"And you expect me to believe this lame excuse?" 

"When did I ever lie to you in these years since we know each other Ten?" Seeing that the older wasn't replying made him feel proud and relieved. "See? Never, so you don't need to worry okay? Now why don't you go to your boyfriend and watch me win this race against them huh?" Saying that, he waved towards Johnny to get his attention and softly pushed Ten forward. 

"H-He's not my boyfriend." His friend stuttered while he was being pushed by Renjun who only giggled. "Hey I'm serious." 

"Sure sure, now let me prepare." 

With that, Renjun watched Ten join the group of guys. He turned around and opened the door of his car and then jumped into the seat. After he started the engine, he drove the car to the starting line, where Jaemin and Jeno were already waiting. Renjun glanced in his right, where the brunette was checking himself in the mirror, then in his left, at Jaemin who was glaring at him. They waited like that, until the flagger came and started the race by waving the usual red flag.    

Merry Christmas guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! ❤❤❤

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