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In the day Renjun started college, it was raining. Grey clouds were hiding the warm sun from March and the small drops of rain that were falling from the sky, were making the long class really boring. The blonde male was listening to the teacher as he was explaining to the class of 30 students what that year would be like. 

He was playing with one of his blue pens, his chin resting in his palm. As the middle age man from the front of the room was still explaining some boring stuff, Renjun decided to watch the campus as his seat was next to one of the wide windows. He saw some senior students running in the rain to reach a dry place and some cars being stuck in traffic.  

Being too lost in his daydream, Renjun didn't even realize he dropped the pen which landed between the chair in front of him and the person who was almost falling asleep. The blonde male only realized that someone was looking at him when the same person tapped his arm to get his attention. 

"You dropped your pen." The guy had purple hair and sun kissed skin and he looked tired as hell. 

"Thanks." Renjun mumbled and took what it belonged to him. The guy turned around and whispered something to the brown haired male who was sitting next to him. His friend immediately chuckled and Renjun couldn't help but feel envious of them. He had no friends there yet which kind of bothered him. 

Well technically he had one friend, but he was three years older than he was so sadly, Renjun couldn't meet with him so often even if they attended the same college.

After about twenty minutes, the class finally finished. He put his notebook in his bag along with the pen and quietly exited the classroom he had to stay in for two hours. The young man was already tired and he just wanted to go home and sleep.

Renjun was walking on the corridors when a hand hugged his shoulders. He immediately knew who the person was and when the strong scent of cologne filled his nose, Renjun had the urge to sneeze.

"How's your first day?" Ten asked and gave him a smile.

"Fine." Renjun replied, but he knew the older already realized he lied. "It was fine but the classes are way too long."

"You'll get used to it." Ten sighed heavily as he led the boy to the large canteen. When they entered, Renjun gasped. That place looked exactly like a 5 stars restaurant.

"This place is huge." The younger admitted only to receive a chuckle from his friend.

"Come on, I want to introduce you to someone."

Renjun followed Ten closely and as they passed by tables, he recognized the purple haired male who was eating with his friend. They both saw him though and looked up from their plates, sending Renjun chills down his spine. The blonde male quickly looked away and stopped when Ten did the same thing.

"Renjun, meet Yangyang." The black haired male pointed at a guy his age who sent Renjun a cute smile.

"Hey..." Renjun mumbled and sat down. He didn't know what else to say because he was still recovering from what happened years ago. He was still afraid of new people.

"You two are the same age and he's a freshman too." Ten said while he stole a piece of chicken from Yangyang's plate. "I thought you would feel more comfortable if you knew someone your age." Seeing that Renjun didn't reply made the older sigh. "You need to open up man." He placed his hand on the younger's shoulder and gave him a small smile when they made eye contact. "Do it for me okay?"

Renjun knew that Ten wanted to help him and he really appreciated it, but he was affected and afraid by all that happened in the past. It still felt like it happened yesterday, that night his car fell down a mountain and shattered into pieces. If only he has never done such stupid and illegal thing in the first place.

"Okay." Renjun nodded and looked at Yangyang. The blonde male knew that he was pretending not to listen to what they talked about, but he actually didn't mind. He stretched out a hand and gave the brown haired boy a smile. "It's nice meeting you."

Yangyang chuckled as they shook hands. "This shy boy will be a memory by the end of the year." He told Ten when the older stood up and giggled.

"Where is he going?" Renjun asked and looked behind, where Ten was heading to. He only heard Yangyang suck his teeth.

"The seniors eat upstairs so he won't join us for lunch."

Hearing that, made Renjun's mood drop a bit. He hoped that at least he'll be able to spend some time with his friend at lunch, but guess he was wrong.

"Don't worry though, you'll have me."

The blonde male smiled and nodded only, still feeling unsure by all this new thing.

By the time his classes were done the rain stopped too and a part of the sun made its way outside. Renjun looked at his watch and sighed when he saw it was already four in the afternoon. He met with Yangyang by the entrance, but Ten was nowhere to be found.

"Does he have more classes?" He asked the brown haired male who was eating a candy. Yangyang shrugged his shoulders in reply which made Renjun sigh.

Just then, his heart started beating faster when he saw one of the greatest sport cars in this world, being packed right in front of the campus. The McLaren was a beast, Renjun didn't need to drive it to know it and he couldn't help but stop in the middle of the parking lot and stare.

The car was shining in the sun light in different shades of blue and it just looked so expensive. Yangyang's chuckle made him turn his head in his direction.

"Pretty huh?" He smirked and took out a key from his pocket. "I bought it last month."

"That's yours?" Renjun asked in disbelief and compared it to his Ferrari who was waiting to be taken out of the garage for already two years after his parents bought him a new one, still hoping that their son would drive one day again.

Yangyang nodded as he reached the car and opened the door. "Wanna come for a ride?" The smirk wasn't leaving his lips and Renjun found himself lost.

He was still terrified of cars after all that happened, but he still treasured them. A part of him still wanted to go back to that life style, where he was known for winning every race, where he was respected and where he was part of something important. But the other part of him was telling him to stay away from sport cars, from street racing and from criminals.

Renjun didn't want to make the same mistake as he did in the past, but maybe riding that McLaren with Yangyang won't harm him that much. Maybe that's why he agreed and jumped in the passenger seat, his heart  still racing.

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