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Renjun exited the classroom and stretched his arms above his head. He felt tired after two hours of just sitting on a chair and he wanted to go home when he remembered that he had to wait for Jaemin. But where should he wait him? He even forgot to ask him when his classes finish which made him sigh in annoyance. 

"Of course I had to forget to ask that." The blonde haired young man mumbled as he walked down the stairs. He was in his thoughts, so he didn't notice that someone approached him from behind. He flinched when Donghyuck's voice rang in his right ear, a bit too loud. "You scared me." He glanced at the younger who just chuckled. 

"Do you want to hang out with me and Mark after school?" The purple haired male asked, most probably hoping that Renjun would say yes, but he already had other plans for the afternoon. 

"Maybe tomorrow. I already have plans today." He faked a smile and looked around the ground floor, hoping to see the tall young man also exiting the university. "By the way, I met with Jaehyun earlier this day. He said something about a race." Renjun decided to change the subject, because he was also a bit curious about the race Lucas will hold soon. 

"Oh right!" Donghyuck's eyes started shining in excitement. "From what I heard it will be two days long which will be fun, but the date isn't known yet. I'll let you know." He patted his shoulder and chuckled. "I'm sure you want to participate as well." 

"Obviously." The blonde haired replied just when he spotted Mark approaching them. The brown haired guy waved in his direction before stopping right in front of the two. 

"He won't join us." Donghyuck said and went in his right side. "But we'll hang out sometime." He then gave Renjun a small smile before wrapping his arm around Mark's waist. "See you later!" 

"Yeah!" Renjun waved his hand as well and smiled. He then started going down the multiple stairs from the entrance. He already spotted his red car in the parking lot, but what made his blood boil was the fact that Jaemin was leaning by it. "Do not touch my car. You might leave a scratch on it or something." Renjun said in his usual cold tone when he reached the taller. 

"I can't stay much just so you know." Jaemin said when the shorter male stopped on the other side of his car. 

"Who said I wanted to spend more time than necessary with you?" Renjun saw the younger scoff which made him roll his eyes. "Get in." He told him and opened both of the doors. When Jaemin put on his seat belt, Renjun turned on the engine and drove the car out of the university's campus. 

None of them talked for about five minutes and Renjun had to admit that he was grateful. He didn't know what to say because it felt a bit awkward not to fight with Jaemin. Also him being in the same car as he was seemed unbelievable to him.

"After we're done talking can you drop me off back at the campus? I have to be back before Jeno finishes his classes." The raven haired male told him so Renjun decided to start talking then. 

"So you wanted to know what I dot for your dad right?" The blonde haired male decided to park the car few meters away from a bus station. He couldn't drive and talk at the same time about his subject because he knew he would get distracted. He glanced at Jaemin and when he saw that the younger nodded in reply he took a deep breath. "And you won't tell anyone? Not even Jeno. I know how close you two are but you can't tell him anything." 

"I won't I won't." Jaemin hissed and crossed his arms over his chest. "It can't be that bad anyway." 

After hearing that, Renjun tried his best not to chuckle. He remembered his hands covered in blood the other night and just the thought made him feel sick. 

"I kill people for your dad." He finally spoke after a a while of thinking how to tell him in the easiest way, but avoiding the main subject would be a waste of time so he decided to just tell him directly. "That's my job." 

Renjun knew that if he would have looked at Jaemin he would see two wide eyes, so he didn't because in a way he felt scared that he'll tell someone and on the other side he felt filthy. 

"Y-You can't be..." 

"I'm serious. I wouldn't lie or joke about something like this." Renjun glanced at him. Jaemin wasn't looking at him at all, instead, he was playing with his hands. "This is why you shouldn't have known in the first place. That man doesn't consider you as family, that's why he got rid of that woman in the first place." 

Hearing that made Jaemin look up from his hands, at Renjun's face. He tried not to think of that woman the older just mention as being his mom, but in the same time, he had the feeling that she was no longer in this world. 

"What do you mean that woman?" Jaemin asked. He wanted to know the truth and he really hoped that Renjun would say she was one of his dad's relatives or something like that, but when he saw that the blonde haired young man wasn't any close to a response, Jaemin felt angry. "What did you mean be that?" 

"You already know what I meant." 

"No I don't. What do you mean by that woman?" 

A sigh escaped Renjun's lips. "I did not kill your mom Jaemin. Someone else did." 

"How do I know you're not lying?" 

Renjun unbuckled the seatbelt and turned around so he would face the younger properly. Jaemin saw in his eyes a bit of regret, which at first made him believe that he was lied and that he really killed her, but after the regret, Jaemin saw how traumatized Renjun looked. 

"That accident is the proof." The older said in a cracked voice. "He made me do it but I declined the offer saying I didn't want to murder someone from his own family. I thought he understood at first, because he nodded and told me he shouldn't have asked a child to kill his own wife. He told me to go race for him instead. I found out too late that my opponent was hired by him to kill me because I disobeyed his words. I don't know what destiny I have, because instead of me, Donghyuck's brother died that night. But I'm sure I'm cursed too." A sad chuckle left his throat. "I mean, I'm slowly turning into a psychopath." 

"What do you mean?" 

"Just google it. It's too complicated. I already know I almost no longer have empathy for people, that's why I want to apologize until I still can. I'm sorry for your mom's death and I'm sorry for telling you all this." 

"It's fine." Jaemin interrupted him. "I won't tell anyone." 

"You better not. It's enough he already knows we go to the same university. If he finds out you know, he'll make me kill you in the worst way possible then he'll kill me." Seeing that Jaemin didn't reply made Renjun put his seatbelt back on and start the engine. "I'll take you back."               

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