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Jaemin was sixteen when he first heard about the first teenager who won in a street race against two of the biggest racers that existed in the dark side of the world. The two were both criminals that escaped prison few years ago and with his father's help, they were never caught by the police again. Of course, for someone like his dad, who basically ruled over the black market, to help two random men, was a big deal because that meant he saw something in those two. Of course, at that age, Jaemin thought of them as two idiots who got themselves in prison for theft or something, but he later found out they were actually two of his dad's most important men. That was when Jaemin realized he barely knew something about his family.  

The day his father started sponsoring a random boy was the day Jaemin started to become curious about his life. He wanted to know the boy's name, of course, because first of all they were the same age and second of all, he was going to appear more often at the mansion. Sadly, he had bad luck all the time, because each time someone was coming to their house, his dad would make sure that Jaemin would be either in his room, locked, or with his mom. 

"Fucking bastard." Jaemin found himself cursing one day while he rested his head by the cold window. Jeno, who was sitting in front of him, his head also resting by the cold glass, only stared at him, knowing that he shouldn't talk in that moment. "I'm not allowed anything in this house." 

"I'm sure he has a reason." The older spoke softly, as if he feared that Jaemin might get angrier. 

The raven haired male scoffed and chuckled in frustration. "We know each other since we were babies Jeno. Since when does my father have a reason of locking me in my room when he has guests? Since I was born. You should know that by now." 

Jeno sighed and hugged his knees to his chest. His best friend then looked away from him, outside, at the giant yard. One of his brows raised itself and he leaned closer to the window. 

"What?" Jaemin almost jumped from where he was sitting because he felt excited for some reason. He joined his friend and rested his chin on Jeno's shoulder. "Who's that?" 

"He looks young." The brunette replied and the two only looked at the stranger who just closed the door of a red Ferrari. His face was hidden by a mask, but he looked really young, compared to the bodyguards that started leading him inside. From that height, Jaemin couldn't really see his features clearly, but his gaze was as cold as ice, as if he was annoyed all the time by something. "Could it be...?" Jeno glanced at Jaemin, who was still resting his chin on his shoulder.   

"Most probably." The raven haired boy replied and a wide smile formed his lips. "I'm going to start driving too." He then pushed himself away from his best friend and put both of his hands on his small hips. "That's the only way I can meet him." 

"You must be joking right? You need to learn how to drive in the first place." Jeno stood up as well and crossed his arms over his chest. 

A smirk formed Jaemin's lips. "Then I'll learn how to drive." 

"You're an idiot I swear." The brunette sighed heavily and sat back down on the window sill. "Then I'll learn how to drive as well." 

"And why would you do that huh?" Jaemin raised his brows. 

"Because I want to meet this guy too and maybe I'll become more famous than you one day."  

His reply made Jaemin laugh. "Sure, as if that would happen." 

Jeno frowned. He was about to reply when the door of Jaemin's big bedroom was suddenly opened. The two stopped talking and looked at the entrance, where Jaemin's mom was waiting. 

"What's wrong?" The raven haired boy asked in confusion. "You never come here." 

"If it's not a bother, can I have a word with him privately?" His mom ignored her own son and approached them slowly. "You two can chat later." 

"Sure, my driver might be already here anyway." Jeno gave the woman a smile before patting Jaemin's shoulder. "We'll talk later." 

The younger didn't have the chance to reply as the brunette was already closing the door of his room. After Jeno was finally gone, his mom decided to sit down on a sofa. She looked down for some reason. 

"W-What's wrong?" 

Jaemin started feeling concerned, because he never saw his mom so sad. He already knew that her relationship with his dad was getting worse and that they were fighting all the time already, but he hoped that she didn't come to him to tell him what he never wanted to hear.  

"I'm so tired Jaemin." His mom looked up at him and a small and sad smile formed her pink lips while a salty tear softly fell down her face. "I'm leaving tonight." 

"What?" Jaemin almost shouted in shock. "Then I'm coming with you. We can leave together and escape this place." He then rushed to the sofa and sat down next to her, his hands quickly grabbing his mom's ones. "I'll pack my stuff and..." 

"No." The woman softly ran her hand through his hair. "He'll never let you go." The same sad smile formed her lips. "You're old enough to understand so I'm hoping we could meet one day again okay? It's for the best." 

"B-But if we talk to him..." Jaemin heard his voice crack. He started panicking, because beside Jeno, he only had his mom. Nobody else understood him in that mansion.   

"I already did sweetheart." His mom suddenly stood up. "He doesn't care if I leave or not and his condition was to leave you. I know it will be hard, but I will make sure we will meet again okay?" 

"No." Jaemin stood up as well and clenched his fists. "You can't leave me here mom." He tried to grab her wrist, but the woman roughly pushed him away, making Jaemin stumble and fall on the floor. "Mom! You can't do this to me!" 

His mother didn't even look back while she made her way to the door. She only stopped, right before closing it back. 

"Stay strong for me okay?" After that, she closed it and disappeared from Jaemin's life. 

That was the last time Jaemin ever saw her again and even after years, after his dad became a monster and found himself a new wife, he always hoped that his mom would appear back into his life. But of course, the only person he still had was Jeno, who made sure to never leave him. 

When the two decided to learn how to drive, Jaemin was sure his dad seemed proud, but what he didn't know was the his own son wanted that so he could meet that invincible racer. He always tried to ask about that boy, but his dad never told him anything. The only thing he ever found about him was that he died in a car accident not long after both Jaemin and Jeno started racing as well. 

Years passed and Jaemin still felt really disappointed. How could that guy die without a trace? It made no sense to him. He almost gave up just like Jeno did, when the same red Ferrari he saw from his bedroom the they his mom left, was parked in the campus of the college the two were attending. 

Jaemin noticed that Jeno recognized the blonde guy that seemed like the owner of that car, but he wasn't the one who got his attention, but that car. It reminded him of that day, but Jaemin decided to act as if he didn't remember it at all. 

"Do you know him?" He decided to ask his friend, who seemed really excited for some reason. 

"Met him at a club." Jeno replied and started making his way to the blonde guy that was talking to Donghyuck and Mark. 

He didn't feel anything special about Renjun until the short male decided to race him. For the first time in three years, Jaemin lost that night and when he noticed the same cold gaze in his eyes for a few seconds, all of his thoughts changed about the older guy. He realized that what his dad told him was a lie, so he would give up, which meant not only did he have to do some research, but also get closer to him. But the second thing was harder, because the fact that he was humiliated by Renjun in front of the gangs, made Jaemin hate him. He was lucky though, because he had a friend named Jeno who could get close to the blonde young man in his place. 

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