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Jaemin left his room that morning not wanting to see anyone, but the luck wasn't on his side when he went downstairs and heard his dad and step-mother fighting again. A sigh escaped his lips. He really wanted to leave the mansion without seeing his dad that morning, but of course, the middle age woman had to notice his presence. 

"You're leaving already?" The slim woman asked when he entered the living room. When Jaemin looked at her, he saw how tired she looked. Tired of fighting with his dad, who was angrily holding onto the couch. 

"Yes." The raven haired male mumbled as he took the keys of his car from a shelf. "I'll come late, don't wait for me." 

"As usual." His father growled which made the tall guy turn around. "You never cared for this family, never!" He shouted and stood up. "I shouldn't have kept you." Jaemin wanted to move, but he only stood there, frozen, not knowing what to do. Should he show any emotions? Jaemin held himself and only showed a neutral look. He watched as the middle age man reached him and looked at him. 

"Byeong Su, leave the boy alone." His step mother said softly as she grabbed his dad's arms, knowing that her husband would most probably hit him again. "Go to school Jaemin." The woman gave him a small smile, but the younger didn't reply to it. 

Even if that woman was always nice to him, he was never going open up to her or her son, who was now watching the scene from the hallway. Jaemin walked past the tall boy, not even sparing a glance at him. He entered the silver elevator and pressed one of its buttons. When he reached the underground garage, pairs of artificial lights automatically lightened the wide place, revealing a collection of expensive cars. 

Jaemin started walking through the rows of vehicles until he reached his black Centenario. Once inside his sport car, the raven male turned on the engine and left the mansion yard behind. It was nice that day and the sun was almost exiting the clouds that were blocking it from shining above the city. 

The male was driving in silence when someone honked him and made him flinch by the sudden sound, but he looked in his right where he was met by a smirking face inside a black Bugatti. Jaemin suddenly forgot about his worries that included his family and problems, while a smile appeared on his face as well. His eyes drifted in front while his foot pressed the acceleration pedal. 

Jeno followed behind, his black sport car speeding up quickly behind Jaemin's Lamborghini. The young men raced until they reached the enormous university and as usual, Jaemin won. 

"You look pissed off." The brunette mentioned after they both exited their cars. Jaemin didn't reply at first, as his eyes landed on a shining red Ferrari. A blonde boy he never saw in his life was chatting with the couple he disliked, which consisted of Lee Donghyuck and Mark Lee. "What are you looking at?" Jeno rested his elbow on the raven male's shoulder, his hot breath touching Jaemin's skin. 

"What are they doing?" Jaemin tilted his head towards Donghyuck who was walking closer to the blonde guy. 

Jeno chuckled. "They must be annoying him." 

The black haired guy frowned when he saw his friend leaving him all of a sudden. The brunette started walking to the trio which made him feel slightly annoyed, but in the end, Jaemin decided to trail behind.  When he reached the group of males, he saw Donghyuck holding himself from attacking Jeno, who had a hungry smirk forming his lips. 

Jaemin looked away from Jeno, to the blonde guy who had his eyes widened. They made eye contact for some seconds until the raven haired male looked at Donghyuck and Mark with annoyance. 

"Can you tell your friend here to never interrupt us?" Mark glared at Jaemin as he wrapped an arm around his purple haired friend shoulders. 

"I'm not his owner Mark." The raven haired male replied coldly as he glanced over at Jeno, who was still staring at the blonde stranger with deep interest. "I don't order him around like you do." Mark started to become red from the anger. He even clenched his free fist which made Jaemin chuckle. "Let's go Jeno, we don't want to get beaten up by this shortie." 

His best friend laughed and wrapped his arm around Jaemin's shoulders, bringing the younger closer to his body. "Can he beat us though?" 

"Wanna try it?" Mark provoked the brunette and he would have pushed Donghyuck away, if the younger wouldn't have held him tightly. "Idiots." The brown haired guy mumbled. 

Jeno didn't get the chance to say anything else as his friend pushed him away from the trio. He glanced behind and met the blonde guy's eyes again. 

"Who's that?" Jaemin asked the brunette after they entered the main building of the university. "You looked like you saw him before." 

"The blonde one? I don't know his name, I just met him at a club." 

Jaemin scoffed. "That explains his terrified face." 

"I didn't fuck him." Jeno glared at him which made the younger chuckle. "Not yet though." 

"Of course." The raven haired male replied sarcastically and entered their first class. Surprisingly, when the bell rang, a short and slim blonde boy made his way inside. He was talking with a brown haired guy Jaemin knew as Yangyang, but when he saw the two sitting at the back of the room, his smile faded away. 

Yangyang looked in that way too and then pushed the blonde boy into a row of chairs. He whispered something, but Jaemin already knew what it was. A warning.  

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