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Jaemin parked the car in front of the police station. As he walked out of the luxurious vehicle, Jaemin placed his hands on his hips and just stared at an old lady that was arguing with a cop. Few meters away, someone who looked like being drunk was dragged inside by two detectives. A sigh escaped his lips. It was chaos there, but he had to make it work. 

The raven haired male approached the building and walked past the old lady that was arguing with the cop. He pushed a door of glass wide open and entered the big police station. Inside there was a bigger chaos than he expected. People were walking from left to right, others were arguing with each other and some cops didn't even know which person to listen to first. 

Sighing loudly, Jaemin walked past some men and lucky for him, he bumped into a detective. 

"Excuse me." The tall guy grabbed the detective by his arm to get his attention. He was in his late twenties and seemed trustworthy. "I need to report someone." 

"I'm busy kid, there was an accident last night and this whole place is in chaos. If it's nothing important then come back later or even tomorrow." The man moved away and was about to turn around, but Jaemin blocked the way again, making him sigh in frustration. 

"But this is important as well. It's about Mayor Na." 

The man ruffled his brown hair and pointed at Jaemin in annoyance. "You came here to tell me about something the mayor did? What are you? A hater or something? Go back home before I call your parents!" 

Jaemin scoffed and stretched out his arm. "I'm Na Jaemin, the mayor's son. This is really important so you better listen to me if you don't want me to make you resign." A cold smirk formed his lips when he saw that the detective flinched. He was young, but had experience, Jaemin realized. 

"Mr. Park!" The man shouted a name and pointed at a middle age man. "Take these. I need to take care of something." He handed the man a set of documents before he grabbed Jaemin by his arm and dragged him in a private office. The man closed the door and sat down at the desk. "Sit down." 

Jaemin did as he was told and sat down across from him. Suddenly, the detective looked scary. 

"So? What was so important to report?" 

"My father. I found out recently that he works an underground business. He pays people good money to kill for him." His voice cracked as he thought of Renjun. Should he tell that man about it as well? No he shouldn't. That detective had to trust him first. "What accident was last night?" 

The man in front of him stared at him. He frowned in confusion. "How do I know you're not lying?" 

"I came prepared with evidence." Jaemin took out from the pocket of his jacket a phone. It was a phone he received from Donghyuck after he and Mark saw that murder scene. The older didn't know that Donghyuck actually recorded a part of what happened that day, but Jaemin found out about it pretty easily when he told them he wanted to report his dad at the police. "Here. This was recorded by one of my friends after they accidentally assisted at one scene." 

The man took the phone and watched the short video multiple times. In that video, Donghyuck managed to record the part where Taeil entered the mansion. He didn't caught Renjun on the camera, but he forgot to turn off and recorded the shooting part. 

"You're saying your dad pays people like that man to kill others?" 

Jaemin nodded. "I followed that man from the video few times. He kills without mercy and..." He shouldn't tell him that, but he might save Renjun this way. "One of my friends... He was made to work for him. He wants to quit, but he knows it's too late for that now. He has a record and he knows he will get life sentence if he is caught so he wants to kill himself. I don't want to see him dead and I also don't want to see him in jail, but I know he'll get a sentence. He told me not to help him, but I want to. He doesn't deserve to be a criminal just because my father told him to be one." 

"Do you know his record?" The detective asked, now really curious about the story. When Jaemin shook his head, he sighed. "If he killed many people that yes, he will get sentenced to death. Do you know what kind of people your father is after?" 

"From the mansion in the video I know he is after people of our standard. I think they are also involved in this underground business of his or something. But still, if it's possible and my friend really is caught by the police, can't he receive a shorter sentence? He never killed innocent people." 

"We don't know that for sure." The detective replied and handed him back the phone. "That case was from two weeks ago. We came to the scene when the whole family was dead already. We later found out they were drug dealers. If your father really is the bad guy here, why would he kill his own people?" 

"I-I don't know..." 

A knock at the door made the two stop talking. Another detective opened the door and greeted him. "That guy who came yesterday is here again. He says he was looking for you." 

The man frowned then widened his eyes. "Get him here and get another chair too." He almost screamed the words before the other man closed the door behind. "There was this guy about your age who came here yesterday reporting someone. We tried to listen to him, but he didn't have evidence. His story was similar to yours." 

Jaemin flinched. He tried to think of people who would come at the police station. Mark and Donghyuck were obviously out because he told the two to stay away. Renjun as well, because his only desire was to die. The only person left could be..." 

"Hello detective." A very familiar voice spoke from behind and when Jaemin looked behind, he widened his eyes in shock. When Jeno saw him, he flinched and almost bumped into the detective that brought another chair. "What are you doing here?" 

"Reporting my dad? You?" 

"Reporting your dad and mine too." Jeno looked away and cleared his throat. He thanked the man for bringing a chair and after he left, he sat down. 

"I see you two are friends." The detective said and stretched out both his hands. "I want you to tell me everything you know. He had evidence so I am starting to believe you." He paused a bit. "Let's be a team from now on okay? I'm Kun by the way, call me that from now on."               

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