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I feel like I want to make this book darker. Like, I want more action and stuff. I hope you won't mind. I mean, the idea at first was just with illegal racing, but now I want Renjun to be more of a criminal undercover I guess. I don't know how to say it honestly. Like, I wanted to make a story in which the protagonist is evil and I might make him evil here so... ( I'm not sure yet, I may not even make him evil maybe just hurt and depressed. I still have to think)  Yeah, I hope you will enjoy the story anyway. I really do.  

"What's up with you?" Ten tapped his shoulder to get his attention. "Are you sleeping with your eyes open or something?" His remark made Renjun chuckle and snap out of his thoughts. He shook his head in response. "Then?" 

They were having lunch and surprisingly, Ten decided to eat with them not with the seniors. Yangyang was having a conversation with Mark, while Donghyuyck, who seemed to eat in silence because he wasn't talking to anyone at the table, kept on sending glances towards Renjun and Ten, sign he was actually listening to what they were talking about. Why was he so curious all the time? 

"I'm just tired, that's all." The blonde haired male replied and waved his bandaged hand before Ten's eyes, remembering that he hurt himself too late. He decided to pretend that nothing really happened to his hand and just took a piece of chicken with the chopsticks and threw it in his mouth. The flavor wasn't that good, but because he was hungry he ate it anyway. 

"What happened to your hand?" Donghyuck pointed out. He had a curious and innocent look plastered on his face, but Renjun didn't really believe that what he was showing was something real. He kind of looked like he was acting and the blonde male decided to act as well. 

An innocent smile formed his lips.  

"I wanted to cut a Grapefruit in two but the knife slipped and I cut myself. I think it will leave a small scar, but what can I do? It's my fault I wasn't paying attention after all." Renjun then chuckled, showing that he was in fact amused by what he lied.  

"Jesus, you're never paying attention to your surroundings I swear." Ten shook his head as he looked from his bandaged hand to his face. "I'm becoming more and more worried about you." 

Renjun smiled as he patted his shoulder. "Don't be. I'm perfectly fine." He threw another piece of chicken in his mouth and chewed on it while he looked away from his friend. His eyes met Donghyuck's and the same feeling that the purple haired young man was a bit too interested about this conversation came back. He decided to ignore him though by eating his food in silence until the plate was empty. 

"See you guys later." Renjun told the four as he stood up and left the tray with the plate and the chopsticks there, because they would be taken by the cleaning ladies. He gave them a smile before turning his back to the four young men from the table and then leaving the cafeteria. 

The moment the blonde haired male stepped out of there, he almost bumped into someone. What the fuck was wrong with him and bumping into people? When he looked up, he sighed in relief because Jaehyun was the person he bumped into. 

"Is Ten here?" The tall raven haired man asked the younger who managed to nod. 

"What are you doing here?" Renjun asked when he saw the taller entering the cafeteria. Jaehyun stopped and glanced behind. 

"I have to take him because of a race Lucas will hold soon. He's the manager in our tiny group so he'll have to skip some classes today." 

"I see." The younger replied and hid his hands in the pockets of his new jacket. The fact that everything he was wearing wasn't his made him feel like he committed a crime, but then he remember about his 65 kills which made him realize what a criminal he was. It almost made him laugh, that he thought of some clothes rather than some people. 

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