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"What do you mean help you?" Jaemin scoffed and looked back at Renjun's hand because he wanted to be focused while cleaning the ugly cut. The question made no sense to him, because from what he knew, that blonde guy who was now sitting on a chair in front of him, wasn't his friend. He realized that Renjun wasn't going to reply which made the raven haired sigh loudly. He quickly bandaged his hand and was relieved that he wasn't bleeding like earlier. 

"Thanks." Renjun mumbled after Jaemin stood up and placed the aid kit back to its original place. 

"Yeah, you're welcome." The taller replied in a cold tone as if he was still bothered by the fact that they bumped into each other again, but if he had to be honest, he didn't feel angered at all which kind of surprised him. "Can't you tell me at all?" He found himself asking. Maybe he behaved like that towards Renjun because he was frustrated that no one told him anything about his family. All he knew was that his dad was a gangster, a criminal, who ruled over the black market. He knew there were many more secrets he had to find about and one of them was the job Renjun received. 

A sigh escaped Renjun's lips. From the way the older was looking around the room, Jaemin thought at first that he will get pushed away just like earlier. Being called pathetic by a stranger wasn't on his likings at all and he had to admit that hearing that word for the second time in a week made him feel embarrassed.  

"Let's make a deal." Renjun suddenly looked up at him, startling Jaemin with his words a bit. "I'll tell you what I do for your dad, but you need to help me after that. Also, you need to pretend like you don't know anything. Your father can't know I told you anything because he'll kill us both." 

After hearing that, Jaemin didn't know what to think. He felt that if he found out about Renjun's job, he would regret it and then want to back away, but in the same time, he also wanted to know. He was sick of feeling clueless about his own life. About why his mom left him when he was sixteen and about what his dad had to do with that and about why he wasn't allowed to go with her. Was his mom missing him after years? Jaemin hoped so, because he wanted to find her. 

"Fine. I accept the deal." He ran a hand through his black hair before stretching out his hand. 

Renjun nodded and took  it softly because of his wounded palm. "I'll tell you after classes. We can't talk here." 


The two exited the nurse office and separated, Jaemin taking the left corridor while Renjun went to his next class which was in the other wing. The taller couldn't help but stop in the middle of the corridor to look behind. Renjun was already gone. 

"There you were!" A soft voice talked in front of him and when Jaemin turned around, he was met by Jeno's face. His best friend had a confused look on his handsome face. "Where did you go?" 

"On the rooftop." Jaemin replied and started walking towards their next class. Jeno walked in his left and suddenly ruffled his hair, making Jaemin snap out of his thoughts. "Did you really need to do that?" 

A chuckle left Jeno's throat. 

"Unbelievable." Jaemin whispered and decided to ruffle his friend's hair as well, knowing how much Jeno hated that. 

"Hey hey hey! It took me thirty minutes to make it look this nice." The brunette complained and started doing his hair back to how it was before. He was looking in the reflection from his phone's screen while a pout formed his lips. The sight made Jaemin chuckle. "It's not funny." 

"I wasn't laughing because you were funny." The younger replied and looked away, feeling his face heat up. It didn't matter if he told him or not, because he already knew that he started having feelings for him after that night. And it wasn't only because of what happened, but it was also because of how Jeno always treated him after his mom left him that day. He came to realize that the brunette really cared for him. "I laughed because you were cute when you pouted." 

Jeno scoffed. "Are you telling me this to make me feel better after being rejected?" 

His question made Jaemin look back at him. He felt his heart break a bit when he saw that Jeno looked kind of disappointed in himself rather than sad that his best friend rejected him. 

"I really meant it you idiot." Jaemin sighed and looked away from him again. Why did he have to blush just in that moment? But again, he could tell Jeno he liked him and then get over with it, but he was a bit afraid that the older might think he acted his feelings that day. 

"Why do you keep on looking outside?" Jeno then asked and pulled him closer by suddenly grabbing his wrist. That action made Jaemin panic a bit, because that meant to look at him. "You're red again." Jeno smirked when he saw his face. "I thought you didn't like me that way." 

"Who said you were the reason for my red face?" Jaemin decided to chuckle as if his friend was the one being pathetic. He pulled himself away and ran a hand through his hair to show Jeno that he wasn't affected by his presence at all. "Maybe I was thinking of someone else. You can't read my mind so.." 

"Sure."  Jeno's smirk grew bigger, which made him look sexier than before. He knew what he was doing and what effect would his action have on Jaemin. "Just admit it will you?" Jeno looked away and the smirk disappeared as well. "I'm not that blind either." 

Hearing that made Jaemin blush more than before. He started playing with his hands and kept the silence until they reached their classroom. He was a bit stunned by the fact that Jeno didn't say anything to show annoyance or frustration. He followed the brunette to some empty seats and sat beside him. He wanted to say something, but he felt like it wasn't the right time, not when the teacher came in and started her lesson. 

The class started, but Jaemin couldn't focus at all on the subject. He kept on sending glances at Jeno, who was resting his head in his left palm, his eyes glued on the teacher. On his face, Jaemin couldn't see any emotions except from tiredness. His heart suddenly started beating faster while he kept on staring from Jeno's beautiful side profile to his hand that was resting by the desk, close to his own.   

Taking the chance he received, the raven haired male moved his hand close to Jeno's until they could almost touch. Should he do it? Gulping, Jaemin made the move and touched Jeno's hand with his finger, knowing he got his attention. The younger quickly looked away and decided to act as if was interested in the lesson, when he heard the soft chuckle that came from Jeno who held his hand. A smile formed Jaemin's lips as he tried to calm his racing heart.     

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