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"Call Donghyuck." Jaemin mumbled after a while. He was still in the middle of the road, with Renjun, being lifeless, in his arms. His hands were filled with blood and it made him think if Renjun felt like that all the time he had to clean that blood from his hands. It felt so dirty and disgusting and... painful. A tear escaped his eye as he looked at Jeno. His best friend was walking in circles with his phone at his ear. As he looked back at Renjun, he felt him become colder by each minute that passed. He looked like he was sleeping, but the fact that his heart stopped few minutes ago made the younger sob. He really was gone after all. 

"Is he dead?" Jeno asked once he knelt next to them. When Jaemin nodded and cried harder, he placed his head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry you couldn't save him." His best friend mumbled and played with his hair a bit. "At least he's at peace now." 

"Yeah..." Jaemin whispered as he held Renjun's cold hand tighter. 

After about five minutes, a car approached with speed. Both Jaemin and Jeno looked behind, where Donghyuck parked his yellow Mercedes and jumped from the seat. Mark followed behind along with Ten and Yangyang. 

"I-I's he...?" The purple haired male stopped behind the two and started at Renjun. "Fuck..." He ran a hand through his hair and blinked the tears away. Turning around, he met Ten's shocked face. The older had tears falling down his cheeks. He most probably remembered that night when Renjun almost died, but this time, he succeeded. "I'm sorry." Donghyuck patted his shoulder and glanced at Jaemin again. "I called the ambulance and the cops. We'll tell them it was an accident." 

"Yeah." Jeno mumbled in response and stood up. He sighed loudly and walked towards his car. "I'll goo find his brother. He has to know too." 

Donghyuck nodded in response as he watched the tall guy drive the Bugatti away from the scene. He crossed his arms over his chest as he just watched Jaemin stay there on the ground, filled with blood. 

"What did you mean earlier?" Ten suddenly asked, startling Donghyuck a bit. Their eyes locked and when he saw the pain from the older guy's eyes, the younger felt guilty. Right, he knew nothing about the truth. "This wasn't an accident?" Ten's voice cracked when he asked and when Donghyuck shook his head, he dropped himself on the road. "He committed suicide then." He whispered to himself. "Fuck. I promised I would look after him from the day he was released and..." 

"Is he really gone?" Yangyang interrupted the older while he knelt next to him. "Oh my God..." He then whispered in realization. "B-But he could have told us sooner. We could have helped him." The brunette looked from Ten to Donghyuck. "He told you, but why didn't he tell us too?" 

"Because the situation is too fucked up." The purple haired male replied and then chuckled bitterly. "Even if he would have told you guys, nothing would have changed for him. He saved himself from more pain." 

"Donghyuck stop." Jaemin hissed and finally decided to stand up. He stumbled a bit on his own legs, because they suddenly became numb. He couldn't fulfill his promise and the fact that he had hope that he could have saved Renjun made everything too painful. "We'll explain to them later, after we give our statement to the police." The raven haired male then glanced at Ten. "I know you told him to stay away from me for his own good and I expect you to think it is my fault he died. I tried to stop him actually, but he couldn't be saved from the start. That's the truth." Taking a deep breath, Jaemin walked away from them, towards his car. "I'm going to report my dad." He told Donghyuck before he stepped inside and drove away. 

The police just drove past him when he reached the bottom of the mountain, followed by two ambulances. Another tear fell down his cheek as he drove his car back to the city. He had the box with the evidence as he took it from Jeno, so he could finally finish the job. 


One week later 

"The accusations that were held against Mister Na were proved to be true. He was dealing with an underground business while also being the image of this city. He payed multiple people to be murderers because he had too many enemies, he sold drugs all over the country and he killed his own wife. If it wasn't for his son, who discovered everything not too long ago, this man could have been still free. He will get a life sentence, just like he deserves, along with the people that stood by his side." 

Jaemin turned off the TV after he heard the statement. He sighed and dropped himself on the small couch from Kun's office. Jeno was sitting next to him, his eyes glued on the detective that still had some hard time dealing with everything. It was visible that he was in pain and when the two decided they should tell him the truth, that man broke into tears. 

"Are you sure you'll be fine?" The raven haired male asked him and when Kun nodded, he knew he was lying. "You need to be strong from now on." 

"I know kid." The detective gave him a look as if he wanted to tell Jaemin he didn't need to act like a parent in front of him. "I'm grateful that you tried to help him though. I wouldn't have never imagined that he would be that friend you told me about, but if I know that he really is happy up there then I'll try to be happy too." 

"Thank you for helping us send our parents to jail." Jeno added as he stood up. 

"Yeah, I should be the one thanking you." Kun sat down in the office chair. "What will you two do now? You still have to finish college right?" The two guys nodded. "Then good luck." 

"Thank you." Jaemin showed a small smile as he also stood up. "We'll be going now." He told the detective who only nodded and waved his hand weakly. "Let's go." The younger whispered to Jeno who nodded and followed him out of there. 

"I'll give up college actually." Jeno suddenly stopped in the middle of the parking lot, hands in the pockets of his think jacket and eyes looking at the sky. "I want to enter the police academy actually. Maybe I'll manage to be partners with Kun." 

"You want to be a detective?" Jaemin asked and chuckled. "Never saw that coming from you." He then sighed and approached his car. "I'll finish college and I'll also continue racing. I thought of making my own company, because I'm sick of illegal races." 

"Fair enough." Jeno nodded and ruffled his hair as he always did and smiled. "See you around then."  He then approached his own car and opened the door. "Wanna race till my house?" 

A smirk formed Jaemin's lips. "You'll lose, but yeah." 

"If you would let me win at least once." Jeno sighed dramatically and jumped in the driver's seat. He immediately turned on the engine and the moment Jaemin started driving out of the parking lot, Jeno accelerated a bit. 

"Just so you know, I don't want to lose my car because of you!" The younger shouted through the open window and pressed the acceleration pedal a bit more. 

They decided to race out of the city, because they didn't want to cause any trouble and in that sunny day, on a small mountain next to a town, you could see from afar two sport cars racing each other without a proper reason. 

The End          

Okay, I finally finished this book too. I'm sorry for making it sad right at the end, but I really hope you guys enjoyed the ups and downs from this book. I'm really grateful we reached this point and I'm also grateful you decided to read it. 

Love you all, Fullmoon. 

(there will be a short special chapter too)

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