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"Mhm..." Renjun whimpered while his eyes slowly started to open. His head was aching, making him feel close to a fainting state. The blonde male blinked few times before his blurry sight became clear. His hands were tied at the back of a chair with a rope, as well as his legs and he was situated in the middle of a dark room. Through three small windows, some light was entering the underground room, enough so you could be able to see everything inside, including the five guards that were standing in front him.  

They were all wearing some kind of black uniforms with the initials of Mr. Na's gang written in white in the right side of their chests. 

"He's awake." One of them barked and tilted his head to another man who approached Renjun without hesitation. His eyes widened because he thought they'll hit him or something, but when the stranger took out a knife and cut the rope, Renjun sighed in relief. So he wasn't goin to die that day after all. 

The blonde male was pulled up by the same man and then dragged out of that cold and dark room. 

"W-Where are you taking me?" Of course, he couldn't keep himself silent, maybe because a part of him hoped that they won't take him straight to Mr. Na. 

"To boss." The man was was dragging him around hissed and the other two opened a pair of doors. "Try not to run, pretty boy. This time we won't be that nice." 

"Funny." Renjun mumbled and clenched his fists as he glared at the man who only chuckled. He recognized him from three years ago as one of the men who did errands for Mr. Na. "Did you get promoted Taeil?"  

"It's Mr. Moon for you kid." The raven haired man spoke coldly, but he let go of Renjun's arm. "And as a matter of fact yes, yes I did get promoted." 

A chuckle escaped the younger male's throat. "So you're no longer an errand boy? Now you're in charge of the ones you kidnap? That's dirtier." 

"I would prefer killing them, but I need to be promoted twice to get the chance." Taeil's smile was cruel, with no other feelings than those of a criminal. It kind of made Renjun feel unsafe, because he already knew the guy was close to a psychopath. He remembered how he acted when he did errands for his boss, always talking to himself as if he had a person next to him, always looking through people. As he walked next to Taeil in silence, Renjun thought that the older didn't manage to get worse because of his boss and his strict rules. 

There were only two big rules that they had to follow, because the others were kind of usual. They were simple but ruthless if you were to ask Renjun. 

Firstly, you weren't allowed to betray them or run away, because if you did you were punished with death and this is why Renjun was now so concerned because even if he didn't run away or betrayed Mr. Na, he did stop working for him after the accident which could lead to his old boss being mad and order Taeil to torture him until he would finally die. 

And the second big rule was, in Renjun's opinion kind of useless because none of Mr. Na's workers were allowed to get in contact with his family. This was easy, because Jaemin already hated him so they wouldn't be interacting with each other too much anyways.  

They suddenly stopped in the middle of a wide corridor Renjun recognized quickly and when he looked in front, he saw the massive double doors of Mr. Na's office. His heart slowly started beating faster because if the fear he was feeling. He watched Taeil knock three times at the door and after a few moments, a butler opened one of the two doors and bowed. His eyes remained looking at the floor the whole time while Taeil pushed Renjun inside and cleared his throat so that the butler would close the door. 

"Sir." He bowed his head and signaled Renjun to do the same. 

"You grew up well kid." Mr. Na spoke in the usual cold voice of his and when Renjun finally decided to look up, he met his cold gaze that always terrified him. "Leave us." He then barked at Taeil who flinched and stared at the younger few more moments, not knowing if he should just leave or say something. "Do I need to repeat myself?" 

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